When Tony walked inside the trailer, he was carrying a big box and said, “Surprise! I hope you like it? I bought this for you.” And, then he set the heavy, green box down on the coffee table, in ‘The Big Room!’
I was shocked! “I love it! Thank you so much, Tony! I love it! Let me get a picture of this.” I grabbed my camera, and then asked Tony to please pick up the box, so I could take this picture.

Yes, it’s a solar reel mower! Green, good for the planet! I have been wanting one for some time, so that I could mow our front and back yards, and the yard of my cabin, and it’s also another way for me to get in a little more exercise!
Tony set the box down once again, and then he began assembling my earth friendly mower, so I took another picture, with Hank helping him out.

In the brief time that it took for Tony to put it together, I had come up with a name for it. “Tony, I am going to call it the Green Goddess! Thank you so much for getting this for me! Let’s go try it out. I can't wait to tell Kinky!”
Tony picked up the Green Goddess and we went outside for a test drive. I let Tony test her out first, because I wanted to read the instruction manual. As Tony took the Green Goddess for a spin, I said, without hollering, because there was no noise, “It says here, for safety precautions, that you should never go barefoot or wear sandals or—run with the Green Goddess!”
Tony laughed, and continued to mow, as I quickly skipped into the trailer to remove my pink Crocs and to put on my New Balance skipping shoes. I love New Balance shoes, because they have my initial ‘N’ on them.

Now wearing shoes, I knew that it wa safe for me to mow, so I went back outside and then gave the Green Goddess a push—and off we went! I loved the experience of pushing her around the yard, because it brought back fond memories of my youth, when Ronnie and I would get to take turns mowing our parents lawn with a push reel mower. Those were some good times.
As we neared Tony, he said, “Nance, I am glad that you love the Green Goddess. Do you want me to go get you a solar edger?”
“What? I didn’t know there were solar edgers?”
“Yes,” Tony replied. “And, we already have one—out in the barn. It’s called a machete.” We laughed.
Well, I have to go now. I’ve got to go hang up some clothes, on my solar dryer—which I have named—Sunshine!

Ahite. Nancy, you're the most cool person I know. Seriously!!!!
F. xo
Thanks for sharing!! Well, I also have a same stuff New Balance running shoes.
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