When Tom’s party of four arrived, I invited them to join Tony, Maribeth, Ben and me—in Outer Space! We had a wonderful visit, and the only thing wrong about their visit, was that they didn’t stay long enough in Outer Space.
Well, today Nancy Lemon sent me a care package, addressed to me and the rescue ranch. It was full of many different products to use on our dogs, and as Tony and I dug through the box, I pulled out a Dog Buddha! “Oh my gosh!” I said. “Tony, I love this! Look! It is so cute! I’m gonna put it on my kitchen window sill, so I can see it in here, and when I am in Outer Space!” I then placed it carefully next to a little dog, that Tony’s mother had given to me before she died. “Look, Tony—it looks perfect there. “Welcome, Little Buddha Dog.”

Tony looked. “I like it there,” he said, “Nancy sent us two high quality dog nail clippers, and look at this fancy dog brush. Oh, here’s a card addressed to you.”
As Tony pulled more goodies out of the big box, I read her sweet note to me—out loud:
“Dear Cuz Nancy,
I told you I would get a box to ya. I really want you to throw away the one you have (nail clippers).
Sure am enjoying your book. Almost finished. I feel honored I have a signed copy.
Tell Kinky the Buddha Dog is for him. xxxx”s +o’s, o’s, o’s to Toto. Love, the other Nancy”
Tears came to my eyes, (not really) when I read the last line of her note. “Tony,” I said. “I love that Buddha Dog, and I am going to keep it. I’ll buy another one, and then give it to Kinky and tell him that Nancy Lemon sent this to him.” I then picked up my Buddha Dog, and turned it upside down—hoping to find the manufacturer’s name—”Made in India” was the only thing there.
“Why are you looking at his butt?” Tony asked. And, then he started laughing.
“I’m not looking at his butt, Tony” I said. “I was hoping to find a manufacturer’s name. I bet I can find it on the internet.” I then put the Buddha Dog in his place, and went over to my computer.
After searching the net, I finally found a site that had a picture of my Buddha Dog! I was so excited! “Tony, I found it! Look, it is the same Buddha Dog!”
Tony came over to my laptop, and I then I started scrolling down. The ad was cute and clever, but the last sentence was depressing— ‘Out of Stock, sorry.’ Tony tried not to laugh, but failed miserably. “Instant Karma,” I said. “It belongs to Kinky, not me, and that is why they are sold out. I’m gonna call Nancy and tell her I love it, and ask her where she purchased it.” I then dialed her number.
I got Nancy and David’s answering machine, and started talking. Telling her that I loved her care package and wanted to know... Their machine hung up on me in mid sentence. More instant Karma. I then speed dialed their number and got the machine again. I talked fast. I finished the sentence, and said a little more, and then raced against time, so I wouldn’t be hung up on—again!
This afternoon, Tony and I went over to see Kinky and welcome him home. When we walked into his kitchen I popped the Buddha Dog out and showed it to him. He loved it and took it from my hands. “Tom’s, girlfriend’s mother, Nancy, sent this to me. I just love it! I am trying to find out where to get more. I will get you one, too.”
“Yes,” Kinky said. “I definitely want one of these. Maybe you could come up with a mold and we could manufacture them?” Then he went into his office, and came out with a present for Tony, not me—Tony. Hello, Karma, I thought. After a fun visit, Tony and I returned to the rescue ranch with the Buddha Dog, and then we went to Kerrville.
We went to Kerrville, because of me. Two days ago, I went to the HEB, to put some gas into Buttermilk, because she was running on empty. I haven’t put fuel in a vehicle in over five years—that’s Tony’s job, and he is real good at it, too.
Well, when I pulled up to the pump, I got out of Buttermilk and started reading the instructions. As I was reading, a white pickup pulled up behind me, with engine running, and a boom box booming so loud—you could have heard it in Kansas. I looked over, and wondered why he hadn’t pulled into one of the other three empty stalls. When I had finished reading the instructions, I could not find the button to push, to pay inside, while the Rap music, vibrated my bones. At last I finally found the green button and pushed it, and then I opened Buttermilk’s fuel cover. I then unscrewed the gas cap and it fell to the cement.
I bent down, picked it up quickly, and then laid it on Buttermilk's butt. Then I pumped gas into her, which seemed to have taken forever. When the pump read $74.55, it cut off. I quickly returned the handle and then hurried off to pay for the gas.
After getting the receipt, I skipped back to Buttermilk, as fast as I could, and then I quickly drove away. When I arrived home, Tony greeted me as I pulled up. “Buttermilk’s gas door is open, Nance,” Tony said. He walked over to close it. “Did you forget something? The gas cap is gone.” Then he started laughing. “I’m telling Ben, John, Maribeth and Kinky about this one. You had better blog about this, and you also need to blog about that cow—that nearly killed you last week!” Then he started laughing, again.
This evening, at 6:31, Nancy Lemon called me. I told her the whole story about loving the Buddha Dog, and wanting to buy one for Kinky, and then telling Kinky that she had sent it to him.
Nancy had bad news. She had bought it a while back, and she was not sure which store she had purchased it at, but she did remember that it was a closeout item. She had bought one of the last ones.
So, this evening, as soon as I finish with this blog, I will spend my time searching the internet.

P.S. I will blog tomorrow, about my near death experience with a cow. Right now, I have got to find another Buddha Dog—just like mine!
I LOVE THAT BUDDHA DOG!! My Sarah had $5 to spend at a sale not too long ago and chose this wonderful turtle garden accessory. I have NEVER been able to find it anywhere and promise to take a picture tomorrow. In daylight LOL. I'll post a link you can share. I just love this little guy!
Nancy, I feel your pain about the manufacture-discontinued Dog Buddha! But how about a PUG Buddha?
It comes in two sizes: Large - see
http://www.tyberkatz.com/bigpug.html and small - see http://www.tyberkatz.com/smallpug.html
You can rub that pug tummy for luck - just like the "real" Buddha statues!
When the NoMads get to visit Outer Space, we hope to see a canine Buddha of some sort!
Hi Fay! Thank you for the note! I can't wait to receive the picture! Dwight Yoakam Rules!
Hi Mari and NoMads! Thank you soooooo much for sending me the Pug addresses! I bought a big one and a small one! I love them and I can't wait to receive them! The NoMads Rule!
Hi Nancy Lemon! Thank you for putting me on my spiritual journey! You Truly Rock!
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