Tuesday, March 26, 2019

All Shook Up!

Today has been great. Tony and I spent most the day being outside, planting seeds, plants and hanging up recently found memorabilia that has been packed away for over a year.

I was like a kid in a candy store, finding more of my stuff—that always reminds me of dear friends and family. Literally everything I found brought back fond memories of loved ones.

Anyway, I'm sure a lot of people might think that I am crazy for keeping all of these things and displaying all over The Cabin and outside The Cabin. But I don't care, because everything that is hanging on a wall or placed on bookcases, etc. bring me such joy when I see them. And that even includes everything that is on our refrigerator door, because they all have sweet stories.

And yes, I will admit that I don't spend a lot of time keeping up with the dusting of my stuff, but I don't care, because as far as I am concerned—my mind/memory, at 67 years, is just as dusty and I like that

I love seeing all of my stuff constantly, because it floods my memory with just how much each and every person has meant to me and why I love them.

In fact, if someone were to ask me about any object or picture displayed I could bore them to tears telling them a long, funny story about what I was doing and who I was with when I got it. So, if you ever come over here to see us—you have been warned.

Early this evening sweet Carol came over for a really fun visit and Tony and I enjoyed it so much. We sat outside, on the front porch and of course we did plenty of laughing to say the least.

But sadly Little Debbie did not think it was fun at all, because I was holding her in my arms and every time that I laughed out loud—my body would shake with laughter and not allow Little Debbie to sleep peacefully. So I guess you could say, "She was all shook up, because of Carol's visit."

And that is about it for tonight, but before I sign-off, I want to share these pictures that I took of our front porch and front yard, with all of the beautiful flowers that we planted or replanted today. Because Spring has sprung at Big Foot Ranch!

Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!


Kris said...

The yard and porch are beautiful!

cousin nancy said...

Hi Kris! Thank you. We'll see y'all on Tuesday!