Yesterday morning, right after I had started my brisk walking, the phone rang. "Hello, Nance. This is Cindy. I was wondering..." I paused Leslie and her gang, then I answered the phone.
"Hi Cindy!" I said, as I continued to walk in place, at the same pace, that Leslie had gotten us up to.
"What are you doing? You sound a little winded."
"I am," I huffed. "I'm in the middle of doing my five mile brisk walk. I just paused the DVD."
"I'm sorry..."
"No, I'm fine. What's going on?" I asked my sister, as I stomped around the 'big room.'
"I was thinking about coming out to see you today, but if you've got plans..."
"I would love to see you, Cindy! Come on out! I can't wait!..." After we got off of the phone, I pushed 'play' on the remote, and resumed my sweaty workout!
After I had completed my exercise session, I started a load of clothes to wash in Queen Bee. When Tony came inside, I told him about Cindy coming! He was excited about seeing her, and we readjusted our afternoon plans. It was no big deal.
Earlier that morning, during breakfast, Tone and I had decided to take Mama, my great, Great Pyrenees, to Hoegemeyers, because her ear was aching. We figured while Mama was being treated at the vet clinic, we would shop for groceries at H.E.B., and then we would pick her up, and come home.
Since I had suggested to Cindy, that she come here, and then we go into Kerrville, for a late lunch, our new plan was for Tony and Mama to ride in Buttermilk, and I would ride with Cindy, so we could visit a little longer. Tony would then drop Mama off and then meet us for lunch.
At twelve-thirty, the dogs started barking outside. I went out to the porch, and saw Cindy's car approaching the trailer! I then left the porch and went to go greet her. Talk about surprised! My brother, Ronnie gets out of the passenger side, and then Cindy! "Nance, I decided to call Ronnie, to see if he wanted to come with me. My gosh, you look great!" Cindy and I hugged, and then Ronnie and I hugged. I was so happy to see them! We are family, but we are also best friends!
Before going into Outer Space, I showed off the Space Ship to them. Cindy had seen it a few months back, but Ronnie had never seen it. And yes, he loved it, and could not believe how cool it was!
The four of us had a great visit in Outer Space, and we laughed so much—my back was was starting to ache! Here is a picture that Tony took of us:

Around three o'clock, we decided to go eat lunch in Kerrville. But, before we left the rescue ranch, Kermit took Cindy, Ronnie and me to Beckham's pen, for a short visit with him. They both thought he was really cute.
As we were returning to the trailer, I said, "Where would y'all like to eat in Kerrville with Tone and me?"
Ron shook his head, "I' don't know, Nance. Tony told me that he has to hurry up and get out of here, so he can take his mother somewhere. Maybe we should just visit here, a little while longer, and forget about eating lunch."
"What?" I asked. "Ron, Tony's mom is dead." Then I figured it out, and I started laughing! "Ron, Tony is going to take my dog, Mama, to the vet and drop her off. I am going to ride with y'all, and he will meet up with us."
"Nance, please don't tell Tony what I said about his mother."
"Don't worry, Ron, I won't, because I am going to blog about it!"
We had a great lunch in Kerrville, and we laughed all through our meal. At four-thirty, we hugged each other out in the parking lot, and then said our goodbyes. Cindy and Ronnie took off for Drippin' and Austin, and Tone and I headed to H.E.B.
I had so much fun yesterday! I wish that we lived closer. I love them so much! Tony and I are going to try to get away for twenty-four hours, real soon, so we can go visit them.
Earlier today, I posted the information for the upcoming Kinky Friedman Ranch Roundup on June 13th, starring Jerry Jeff Walker and Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Kinky and Little Jewford! I hope y'all can make the event—it will be a total blast!
Y'all have a great evening!
Nancy: What a great picture, you look so skinny! Leslie Sansone should be paying you...her video obviously works!
wow, nancy ! we are proud of your walking/juicing/inspiring self.
Hi Linda T. and Cathie B.! Thank y'all for your comments. I am still not there, yet, but inch by inch—I am getting closer to my ideal weight. I would recommend Leslie Sansone's walking DVD's to anyone! They are fun, fast and they really work! I'm walking five miles in one hour and ten minutes!
This past month, I have walked, inside the trailer, one hundred and fifty miles, and that is not counting how much walking I do the rest of the days.
It all started, when one day, I had a light bulb
moment! If I would just spend fifteen minutes, I could walk a mile, and eventually came two, four and five! I am addicted to it now and I feel so much better, and I love the results!
Once again, thank you for your notes, and Linda, we'll see you tomorrow! I wish that I could walk the dogs with you and Aaron, but it is safer for me, since I seem to trip on things outside or the dogs knock me down.
Don't know how else to reach you. I'll never, ever forget your help getting a little shih tzu out of the El Paso pound.
If you remember, we're the dreaded circus folks the pound didn't want to deal with. The little dog first went to Brian Kanof, then I believe to a friend of his where he's totally spoiled and loved.
I can't do much, but sent you a small donation. I think of you folks often and the good stuff you do.
Keep on truckin'
Barb Durtche
Hi Barb! Yes, I remember you! You're the wonderful woman who helped save a little shih tzu! I talk to Brian often, and he always tells me the latest news on that precious little dog! Thank you for your kind remarks, we couldn't do it, without great people like you! Thank you!
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