After Kinky got off of the phone, he and I had a fun visit inside the Lodge, and then out by the Friedman Family Bone Orchard. Forty-five minutes later, I was back inside our trailer returning phone calls. As I hung up on my last call, Tony came inside. "Nance, Pat was just here! I'm sorry you missed her."
"Pat?" I asked. "Which Pat are you talking about?"
"Pat H., the nice woman, who adopted Hannah Montana."
"Oh no! Is Hannah back?" I asked.
"Nope. Pat just came out to give us a donation and to ask us to tell Kinky that she wants to help him with his gov. run."
"That's great! Did she say anthing about Hannah?"
Tony started laughing. "She told me that Hannah had destroyed a small pillow, but she didn't care, because she is in love with her." Tony and I both laughed.
I spent the rest of the day doing my usual paperwork, and returning phone calls. This afternoon, two beautiful Painted Buntings showed up on our porch! They are absolutely beautiful little birds! I took over sixty pictures of the birds on our front porch and deleted all but three. Here they are with my captions. Y'all have a great evening!
"Hey, small fry! I was here first—scram!"

"Hey, little bunting! I was here first—scram!"
"This pan is my pan. This pan is your pan..."

"It works everytime! Cardinals hate yolk music!"

1 comment:
What darling little birds, so colourful too. We have a robin nesting on our windowsill, the eggs should hatch between Friday and Sunday. I'll send you pics of the wee robins if they hatch.
Love springtime ; )))
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