Rick is a volunteer for 'Friends of The Ark, in Port Aransas. You can check them out at: www.friendsoftheark.org
Good morning Nancy--
We released a very large sea turtle yesterday. It was fitted with a radio tracking device so we can moniter it's travels. We named her Judy! In the next day or so you will be able to follow her travels and adventures at:
Hope you guys are are well!
My next e-mail was a forward from Rick! He wanted me to read Lee Harrison’s note, and for me to look at the pictures that were taken by Lee! They are awesome! Here’s Lee’s note and photos:
Judy’s finally on her way....
Kiii You News will have a story I posted...should show up before the day is over. Here’s a few of the 374 pictures I took today. Anyone wanting a CD, let me know. Great job to all of you who helped raise the funds for the satellite tag!! Way to go team!

Awwwww! That is so lovely and inspiring, I would have loved to have been there. Good luck Judy!
Me, too!
Hi Fay! I wish that I had been there, too! Guess what? When Carol, Tony and I went down to Port A., Rick gave us a tour of the Friends of the Ark, we actually got to meet Judy! How cool is that? Thank you for your comment!
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