This morning, following breakfast, after cleaning up the kitchen, washing and drying a load of clothes, and doing my two-mile brisk walk—I checked my e-mail. Linda T. had written me a note, telling me that she wasn't going to make it out today, to walk our dogs—that was a real bummer! Then Todd B., from Kerrville, shows up and starts walking our dogs for us—that was fantastic!
Tony and I needed to go to Kerrville, to get some supplies, so we jumped into Buttermilk, rode around the ranch looking for Aaron and Mr. Ziffle, but couldn't find them, so we returned to the rescue ranch. Two people in two different trucks were at the ranch when we arrived, so T. and I postponed our trip to 'The Big K.!'
While Tone was outside taking care of the people, I stayed inside the trailer, returning seven phone calls and many e-mails. At eleven o'clock, Tony came back inside the trailer and said, "Let's go to Kerrville now. Aaron said that he can hold down the fort." I grabbed my purse and we took off in Buttermilk!
We listened to Harley at the Rose, 99.9 doing a live remote at a health food store in Kerrville, as we drove to Kerrville. "Nance," T. said. "Let's go see Harley and say hi before running our errands." I was fine with that.
When we arrived at 'New Life Health Foods,' Harley had drawn a huge crowd, and the store was packed, filled with people! We saw Trish, from Copies Plus, with her two adorable children, and Becky, Harley's wife was there, too—along with some of their kids. At one point, during the live broadcast, Harley invited me to do "Beat The Toaster" contest, and I said that I would.
Harley: "Welcome to New Life Health Foods! And you are?"
Me: "Cousin Nancy."
Harley: "Welcome Cousin Nancy! I am going to ask you several questions, and if you can answer them correctly before the toaster pops up the toast—you will win a prize! But, if you can't—you win a piece of toast."
Me: "I'm old Harley. Please set the dial on your toaster to—extra dark." Harley laughed.
Harley: "Ready set go! How many kids were in the Brady Bunch?" There was a long pause on my end.
Me: "Six!" I finally said! Now I know how contestants feel on those TV shows.
Harley: "You're right! What are the first names of the Beatles?" That was easy for me.
Me: "John, Paul, George and Ringo!"
Harley: "You're right, Cousin Nancy! What is the official state bird?"
Me: "The Mockingbird!" My adrenaline was pumping!
Harley: "You're right! What city is the state capitol located?"
Me: "Austin!" I answered proudly, even though the questions had been fairly easy.
Harley: "Congratulations! You beat the toaster! And you have won a case of 'Nerd' energy drinks! The number one energy drink in the country!"
Me: "Thank you, Harley!" I then started back into the crowd to join Tony.
Harley: "Wait Cousin Nancy! We need to take pictures of this!" I returned, and several people shot us all at once!

Tony and I hung out at the cool health food store for a few more minutes, and then we took off to run our errands. Then we returned to the rescue ranch around one-fifteen.
"Tony, you and Nancy are probably going to be mad at me," Aaron told us in our kitchen. "A woman showed up out here and said she was good friends with y'all. She found a little dog running loose in Kerrville and she asked me to take it. I'm sorry, but I took it. She's small, young and cute. I put her in with Hannah and K.K. The woman's name is %$#@ and I told her to call you tonight." We told him it was okay, and we are still waiting for %$#@ to call us—we know who you are, and we know what you have done—please call us!
At two-thirty, a man named Philip called. "Can I come out and adopt a dog?" I talked to him for several minutes, asking him many adoption questions, and then I told him that we would have the gate open for him, since we normally close at three o'clock.
At three forty-three—Sam, our great black Labrador got adopted to Philip and his son! Yeah, another great adoption! After they left, Tony closed our gate and returned to the trailer.
"Hello Nancy, this is Meredith, Ellen and June's friend. My husband and I are leaving Kerrville right now, and we wanted to know if we could come by and meet K.K.?"
"Sure Meredith, we will have our gate opened. Come on. K.K. is a great little dog. Y'all are gonna love her!" I knew that it would take at least thirty minutes for them to arrive, so I decided to frame my signed Riders In The Sky poster, along with our upgraded tickets—in my WalMart $7.97 poster frame. (Thanks Jude and Mari for sending me the discount framer's web addresses, but this was so cheap—I couldn't resist.) Then I went outside to the Space Ship, and proudly hung it in—The Big Room! We're talking 8'X8' if that! It looked great where I hung it! Then Buttermilk and I went down to open the gate, for Meredith and her husband. OMG! They were already here, sitting in there car, waiting for me to open up the gate for them! I was totally embarrassed! "I'm sorry the gate wasn't opened," I apologized. "Y'all drive faster than me!" They followed us into the rescue ranch.
They fell in love with K.K. the minute they saw her, but unfortunately they were not ready to adopt her, yet—because they were in the middle of remodeling their new home in Kerrville. I told them that there was also another party interested in adopting K.K., and they told me to go ahead and adopt her out—if the people were super people.
As soon as they drove away, I phoned the interested party, and we shall now see who gets our little sweetheart. Kinky will be back tomorrow and I can't wait to tell him all of our exciting news! Y'all have a great evening!