This morning, Ellen Cooper called and left a message on the machine. “Could y’all get John to call me. I want to buy a copy of John’s book, “Velma the Vomiting Vulture," for my grandson, Taton.”
Later that morning, we caught John outside, and asked him to call Ellen about buying one of his books. John called Ellen and told her that he would give her a copy for free. They bickered back and forth—and John finally won—she was getting his book for free. After hanging up the phone, John signed his book and then went back outside to work.
A few hours later, Ellen drove out to the rescue ranch, and picked up her grandson’s book.
Around four o’clock Tony had to go to Hoegemeyers Animal Clinic, about a cat. After he had left, I phoned Kinky and he invited me to come over for a visit. During our visit, he challenged me to a game of pool.
I racked up the balls, and The Hummingbird Man shot first, then second, and then third! He was on a roll! Finally, it was my turn—I sank the cue ball. Well, in no time at all, The Hummingbird Man had sunk all of his balls and he only needed to sink the eight ball. Voila, something magical happened to me, and I started sinking one ball after another, until he and I were down to the eight ball! Guess what? I sank the eight ball and won!
The Hummingbird Man was a gracious loser, and he complimented me on my much improved skills. I was so excited about winning, I came home to tell Tony, my good news, but he wasn’t back from Kerrville, yet.
As soon as Tony had parked the Explorer in front of our trailer, I rushed outside to tell him that I had beaten Kinky, and it hadn’t been by default like all of the other times! Tony was happy for me.
Around six o’clock, our friend Travis, from Medina, showed up at the rescue ranch because his parents, Al and Lenora, were visiting him, and they wanted to adopt one of our dogs! Talk about super animal lovers! At 7:30 this evening, we adopted out Roger Miller! They had fallen in love with him, just about as fast, as Roger had fallen in love with them! I told them about him coming back to us because he had eaten a saddle and they promised me that they would put their saddles in a closet. Another super adoption!

When Tony and I returned to the trailer, there was another message on the machine—from Ellen.
“Hi, this is Ellen, again. I loved reading “Velma the Vomiting Vulture!” After I read it, Mr. Copper read it, Charlie read it, and then my friend that is visiting read it. We all loved it and please let John know. And, please tell him thank you for the book. I can’t wait to read it to my grandson!”
Nancy remind me not to play pool with you. I am great at losing. When I play pool I'm usually at a place that serves beer so between that and the music I think I have an attention deficiency problem there. Maybe we can get together and practice then whip all them men.
I love this dog, what a handsome guy!
Um... he ate your saddle? Put it away and don't ignore him. D'oH!! Just my opinion, I may be wrong ; ))
So glad he has a second chance, what a great dog.
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