Here is the link to Chet O'Keefe's Facebook page to view the great videos that he took of a few of our fabulous dogs: Clovis, Lois Lane, Blue, Butterbutt, Rockette, Rocky, Buster Brown, Merlin, Hank and Lori Darlin'. Just scroll down the page until you see Chet's introduction followed by our dogs. "Thank you so much, Chet!" (I could not post his videos on here tonight, because I forgot to ask him to please e-mail them to me, before he took off. Anyway, as soon as I get them I will post them here, too.
This morning our good friend Chet drank some coffee with us and then he went outside and started packing up his super-cool motorhome with his stuff, for his road trip back home, in Terlingua.
Chet's super dog, Willie, seemed excited about them leaving, but Tony and I weren't, because we have had a great visit with Chet and we got to catch up with each others latest news. And Chet told us that he wished that he could spend a few more days with us, but he needed to get back, to Terlingua, so he can play his weekly Thursday night gig, at La Kiva.
Anyway, before we adios-ed each other Tony took these pictures of Chet and Willie and his fabulous Toyota Sunrader rv.
And that's about it for tonight.
Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!