This past January, just for fun, I entered a CBS “Say hi CBS” video contest and I made a 7-second video and it was easy and fun to do. And here is the 7-second video that I made which I also posted on my blog on January 10, 2025.
In fact, I actually do understand how to do the moonwalk, but this 73 year-old brain and body don’t seem to be able to pull it off, yet. Even though I have been spending about ten-to-twenty-minutes per day trying to make my body—do the right thing it sadly, so far has not happened.
Anyway, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think CBS would air my video, but guess what they did and I am having so much fun with it.
It all started last Thursday when our dear friends in Port Aransas: Tracy Weatherall & Ronnie Narmour let me know that they had seen my video on CBS. Ronnie is a fabulous writer and he writes Three Chords and the Truth, an awesome, music-column for the weekly Island Moon newspaper . And Tracy's & Ronnie's news threw me into semi-shock to say the least!
A few days later our dear friend, the world famous artist, Steve Pietzsch, told us that he had seen my video, too. He told me he was watching the end of the CBS Saturday Morning show that he had recorded earlier, and at the very end of that show, my short video popped up and he could not believe I was on TV.
Anyway after Steve got over the shock of seeing me on TV telling CBS hi, he used his cell phone to record my video airing on CBS Saturday Morning. And here is Steve’s video.
A few hours later our dear friend Eileen sent me an email to let me know that our mutual friend Suzanne, in San Antone, had just seen me on CBS, too!
And to say the least I was pretty excited about that, too. So, I texted all of our friends and family to let them know my video was airing on CBS. And they too got all excited. So this caused me to go lay down on the bed and take a short-power-nap with Henry Standing Bear, my loyal, lovable, nine-year-old, rescued Great Pyrenees/Lab mix.
This morning while I was in the big room practicing the moonwalk without much success, Tony walks into the kitchen and says, “Nance, you were just on TV! CBS aired your video before The Price Is Right! And I recorded it, too….” So I took this video of me on Tony’s TV. And please note in the bottom, right-hand corner of the video it shows NANCY MEDINA TX.
So now with of this sudden excitement I went back to Youtube again and I spent over thirty minutes trying to do the moon walk with Michael Jackson as he moon walked for the very first time across the stage on the Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever 1983 television special. Click Here to Watch.
As I finish writing this I am determined to learn how to do the moonwalk smoothly (like Michael), because I am not a quitter and because I made it my New Year’s resolution.
And the other reason is, because I have promised to teach the moonwalk to our many friends: Clive, Curtis, Robert, Becky, Ricky, Roxanne, Lyle, Karen, Margie and Kelly across the road, at the Texas Hill Country Resort (formerly the Medina Highpoint Resort).
But before I teach a class I plan to "ask" (actually beg) Perry (Kelly’s super-talented- musician husband) to help me learn how to do the moonwalk better, because he told me that he learned how to moonwalk and break-dance when he was a kid.
And just so y’all will know that I am serious about doing this I have just ordered a big pink potholder mitt (glove) from Amazon, to wear when I am moonwalking around the Texas Hill Country.
Well folks, I do hope that you enjoyed this podcast and I thank y'all for listening. And even though I didn't tell any jokes this time, I hope that it made you laugh at least once, but if not—WHO CARES!
And before I go, please always remember my favorite quote, "Life is short and so am I!
Y’all take care and keep on laughing!
This is brilliant, Nancy! So fun and funny, you`re officially a Celebrity!
Hi Fay! Laugh out loud about me being a celebrity, but I must admit I am having fun with it. You and Ian have been on my mind a lot recently, because of you know what and I do hope that y'all are doing okay. Please take care and keep on laughing.
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