Monday, June 27, 2016


Today and the past few days have been fine with not much happening here and that is why I haven't posted anything. Because all that we've basically been doing is keeping up with paperwork, returning phone calls and e-mails and mowing and weed-eating—over and over again.

The only exciting news that I have to share is that it appears that our sweet Hazel is going to be adopted soon by my dear friend Cindy and she'll have a fabulous, forever home, on Cindy's beautiful ranch, in Northern New Mexico.

Once again, we are going to use Breeders Select Pet Transport, located in Center Point, because in the past, Julie Griffith has done such a fabulous job safely transporting Blake Shelton and then Henry Standing Bear's twin sister, Miss Moneypenny, up to Fay and Ian, in Toronto.

So we are thrilled about Hazel's great upcoming adoption and we plan to tell Hazel, as soon as we know the date that Julie is going to transport her. And that's about it for tonight.

Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!    

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