Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wild Squirrels Unlimited! or Tony—The Squirrel Whisperer!

This has just happened. A few minutes ago Tony and I looked outside our window and saw that a cute, little squirrel had figured out a way to get inside our caged, bird feeder, so Tony and I went outside so I could film the trapped, small squirrel as Tony released him—and the rest is history. Enjoy!

Y'all take care and keep on laughing!



Anonymous said...

Aww truly he is! Cute squirrel too🐿 <--(I know.. its Alvin the Chipmonk there) I had no squirrel thingy lol
Have a good one... and never stop laughing. Its contagious and healthy.

cousin nancy said...

Hi Anon! Thank you for your comment and like you say, "and never stop laughing. Its contagious and healthy!"

AF said...

Condolences on the passing of your cousin. Does Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch still exist? The fb page hasn't been active since 2010, and the web site is gone. We live in the hill country, as well, and I would love to promote it to friends that want to adopt pets.

cousin nancy said...

Hi AF! I want to thank you for your kind comment, but I am not related to Kinky. In 1983 I was given my Cousin Nancy moniker by my dear friend Sammy Allred, in Austin. But please no worries, because many people think or have thought that Kinky and I were cousins.

Anyway, we are all sad about Kinky's passing and he will be missed. Kinky and I have been dear friends for over 40 years and Kinky, Tony and I co-founded our Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch in 1998 and the three of us ran it for over 20 years.

Sadly, in 2018 we shut it down and closed the doors to our beloved rescue ranch, because it was time for us to retire. And I do want to thank you for wanting to help our rescue ranch. Take care and best wishes.