Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lois and Hank Sitting In A Tree!

Today has been nice and quiet. At noon, I heard Kermit outside and went out on the porch to see Tony and Frank across the creek. "Tony! Lunch is ready!" I hollered. "We're having lasagna and ask Frank to join us, because we have plenty." No sooner than I said that they jumped into Kermit and took off down the creek for the road.

During lunch Frank and I started talking about soups, so I got up and came back to the table with the book Easy Soup Recipes that Jon and Sandy had given to me for my birthday. "I love this cookbook," I said, as I sat back down. "The recipes are delicious and simple and..."

Throughout our lunch, Frank checked out the recipes and then we traded some of our own soup recipes. "I am definitely going to Wolfmuellers to buy this book," Frank declared, as I served him and Tony small slices of chocolate cake.

Around two o'clock I went down the hallway to Tony's office. "Tony, let's go outside and move some dogs around." A minute later after taking off my cotton-candy colored Crocs and replacing them with my pink Justin Gypsy boots we went outside.

While I leashed up Hank Hill, T. leashed up Baxter and Honey, in the big pen near our trailer, so he could put them in Hank's and Nellybelle's old pen. After putting Honey and Bax in their new pen, he took off to get La Toya and Maggie, because we were going to try putting Hank with them in the big pen, but that didn't happen, because while I was waiting on Tone, I walked Hank over to meet Lois Lane, who was wagging her tail wildly, in my writing cabin's fenced front yard and they instantly fell in love with each other and started licking each other through the fence.

"Tony!" I hollered into the wind. "Come down here! Don't get La Toya and Maggie. You've got to come see this!"

When Tony walked up holding two leashes in his hand, he smiled. "I would have never of guessed that those two would get along. Then T. and I took Hank and his new girlfriend for a walk, so they could really get to know each other. Twenty minutes later after a sniff-athon Lois Lane and Hank were romping and playing and running around their new gigantic pen. They were as happy as could be and so were we. Then we moved on as I sang "Lois and Hank sitting in a tree. K, I, S,S, I, N, G. First comes love. Then comes marriage..."

As Dr. John and his pen mate Maggie walked with me on leashes towards their new big pen near the gate entrance, we passed Tony walking with Lucy and Ashley Judd heading towards Dr. John and Maggie's old pen.

When I unleashed Maggie and Dr. John into their new gigantic pen they took off running down the fence line and Annie Oakley, in the pen beside them raced along with them. Needless to say, "I loved it, but not as much as they did."

As we walked back to the trailer we were glad to see that Baxter & Honey seemed happy with their new digs and so were Lucy & Ashley Judd and Hank & Lois Lane.

This evening while I was reading in Outer Space I heard the phone ring, but I couldn't hear who was calling, but Tony did. A few minutes later Tony came out on the porch, "Did you know that Jon Wolfmueller just called you? Come inside and listen to his message."

"Hello, Nancy. This is Jon. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that it is eight minutes until five o'clock—not six o'clock, but five o'clock. Bye." T. and I laughed as I punched in Sandy's and John's cell phone number. "Hello, Nancy."

"Hi, Jon," I said, as he and I started laughing. "Thanks for calling me. All of our clocks are set correctly, except for the one that I really love that Carol and James gave to us a while back. The big, fancy Atomic one that shows the weather and has Caller ID. I guess it won't be reset until tomorrow morning when the employees in Fort Collins come back to work. It is driving me crazy. I sure hope that tomorrow is not a holiday..."

I am fixin' to go make us some popcorn, because Tony and I are going to watch the Dallas Cowboys.

Y'all have a great evening!

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