Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just Tilling Time!

This morning was way too fun! I got up early, did my paperwork, fed our fur friends, and then I did Harley’s radio show, at The Rose, 99.9—sponsored by Randy and Lisa’s Save Inn Restaurant. Maggie was Harley’s ‘Pet of the Week!’ It was a good show, and there was much laughing as always!

After the show, I started cooking breakfast for Tony, Aaron, Ben and me—before they got here. I chopped up some organic potatoes, onion and garlic, and cooked them in olive oil, in my cast iron skillet. As that cooked, I poured organic orange juice into my Vita-Mix machine, followed by organic ginger, an apple, blue berries, raw honey, carrots, radishes, flaxseed, almonds, banana, and several cinnamon sticks! Then I pulverized it! Talk about a power-trip!

Tony was the first to arrive, and he was hungry! Aaron was second to arrive, and he arrived on time. Since the guys were hungry, I emptied the skillet into a corningware dish, and put it into the oven to keep the potatoes warm.

Then I added a little more olive oil to the skillet, cracked open six organic eggs—whipped them up and poured them into the skillet. As the eggs began cooking, I made up some hot pico de gallo (tomatoes, jalapenos, and onion), then I grated some organic cheddar cheese. When the eggs were nearly cooked, I piled on the cheese and pico de gallo—and then watched the cheese melt. Then I flipped one side over, to make one giant omelet!

Before serving the giant omelet for four, I cut up an avocado, added some sour cream and more pico—mixed it up, and then spread it over the top of the Texas sized omelet. “Breakfast is ready.”

The breakfast turned out great and we left plenty for Ben to eat! Tone and Aaron loved my Southwest omelet! During breakfast, I told Aaron about the fake deer head that Tony has in his office. “We bought it several years ago, at Walmart, and this deer head looks really real, and it sings, talks, and it has a microphone that you can use, too. It is pretty funny.”

So, after breakfast, Tony took Aaron into his office to show him his faux deer head. As the deer moved his ears, and head, while singing, ‘On the Road Again,’ I took this picture of Tony and Aaron laughing, as they watched the deer in action!

Then Ben arrived!I heated up Ben’s breakfast, as we talked, and laughed about Tone’s talking deer head. Ben liked my omelet, and he cleaned his plate, then Ben and Aaron went outside to feed our dogs and clean their pens, while Tony took off for Bandera to rent a tiller for his garden and to pick up Josh to help them.

With the trailer empty, I did my three mile brisk walk, using my two pound weights, and my lavender colored stretchy band. After that, I cleaned up my kitchen, and then I returned some phone calls and e-mails.

Around eleven o’clock, Tony returned to the rescue ranch with the rented tiller, and Josh. Tony and Josh unloaded the tiller, and pushed it to our new giant garden—just outside our bedroom! Five minutes later, I could hear the tiller—tilling away! So, I grabbed my camera, went outside, and took these pictures of T.—tilling up a storm of dust and dirt!

As Tony tilled, Aaron, Ben and Josh added more compost, hay, cow patties and ashes from Kinky’s fireplace to the soil. Then Josh took over Tony’s job. While Josh tilled the soil, I raked up leaves to add to the soil mix. Aaron tilled our garden next, and his job was really hard, because Ben and Josh kept adding more compost to the garden to be.

When the guys were done moving the dirt around, while taking a break, I said, “Do y’all want to have a roping contest with me?”

“No,” they echoed, one after the other. Hmmmmmmm! I waited about twenty minutes, and then asked them the same question, again. “Nance,” Tone said. “Not today. We’re tired.” So I went inside, and called my good friend Cindy P., to see if she wanted to go horseback riding tomorrow. I got her machine. Hmmmmmmm!

Later Cindy called me back, she got my machine, and told me that Jeanie was out of town, and we could do it next week. Darn! So, I decided to do some more paperwork, and that was when I realized that Mercury will be in Retrograde on the eleventh! Now everything made sense to me!

The guys have promised me, that tomorrow they will erect a new roping post, and they will have a roping contest with me! I hope so! Y’all have a great evening!

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