The first thing that I did this morning, was to officially give my Perfect Pillow to Karma. After last night’s ordeal, I am now sleepless in Medina, can barely turn my head sideways, and as far as I can tell—still have no memory improvement. Karma’s PP is now on the floor, in the living room—with her sleeping on top of it—as I type this.
I’m fine about giving Karma my Perfect Pillow, because I do need to sleep occasionally, and last night when we went to bed, Tony threatened to start sleeping in his Lazy-Boy recliner, because he’s scared of the Perfect Pillow. So now, Karma is one happy mutt, Tony is safe from the possible Kryptonite hazards, and I will finally get to sleep tonight. It has turned out to be perfect.
Around 9:30 this morning, Ben and John showed up at the trailer, to drink some coffee with Tony and me, before going to work outside. Somehow our past conversations have always turned into a lot of laughter—and this morning was no exception.
After sharing some hilarious Las Vegas stories with each other, the conversation turned to fishing. Tony told us that he wanted to play a joke on our good friends, Catherine and David Berry, of Happy Dogs Adoptions, at Buchanan Dam. (They are the great people who help us adopt out our dogs!)
A few weeks before Christmas, Tony decided that he wanted to get a fishing boat, so he started looking for used boats on the internet. Well, a couple of days later, Catherine had driven down to see us, and during her visit, I asked her what she considered to be the best kind of bass boat for Tony to buy, since she and her husband—own Anchors Away, the best boat repair business in the area!
Catherine told me that they had a used boat—that Tony could have, if he would pay for the parts, and it was a used Skeeter! I couldn’t believe it! So, after Catherine left to go home, I surprised Tony with the great news! Talk about excited! I don’t think that I have ever seen Tony that happy—until this morning, of course, when I removed the Perfect Pillow from our bed!
So, a few days later, Catherine and David e-mailed me three pictures of the boat, and Tony was even more excited about getting it. In fact, he printed out the pictures, and showed them to everyone that he knew or didn’t know!
Since then, David has been working on it, in his off hours, rewiring, replacing old parts, etc., so Tony will have a great running boat. And, Tony cannot wait!
So this morning, Tony thought it would be fun to tease Catherine and David, and have John take a picture of him standing next to his tackle box, with his rod & reel in one arm, and Bosco in his other arm—and to e-mail it to David and Catherine. And, John came up with the title for the picture—“What’s Wrong With This Picture?”
So, Tony went back to his office, and quickly returned with a rod and reel, and his newly purchased giant tackle box, and John shot Tony and Bosco—in my kitchen!
After the photo shoot, the camera crew, and cast went outside to feed the dogs, and to clean their pens, and left me to write this fishing story.
P.S. Catherine and David, thank y’all so much for helping us find great homes for our dogs! We love y’all!
Boston's generally make great fishing buddies. Mickey and I have spent many hours by the lake enjoying one another’s company. The only problem is if I use a bobber Mickey thinks he has to fetch it when I cast it out. Then there was the problem of catching the fish and ripping them up. Maybe he wasn't such a good fishing buddy after all. I am amazed at how much Bosco looks like my Mickey.
okay, as big as a dog lover as I am, which is how I got to your site! I am so excited that you found that pillow! I love my memory foam pillow...and I too started with the fluffy one...only to discover that the formed Perfect pillow ( generic available at Target for about $14 on sale) truly is the perfect pillow. Fits a woman's neck perfectly, whether you sleep on your side or your back, and no more neck and shoulder pain for these old joints! plus....it's not all that doggie comfortable and no one sleeps on it but me. That truly makes it perfect.
Okay, now I'm going searching for the way to leave a note about the topic I actually had in mind...
altho I will share this link with you and your readers about a great program my cousin has started in Utah: Dogs helping abused kids
This is something that needs to be started around the country!
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