Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Garmina Lied!

Today has been really great even though I am already starting to stress out about the upcoming time change this weekend, because I am going to have to use an alarm clock for the next few weeks and I dislike waking up to alarms of any kind.

This morning after walking six miles with Leslie Sansone and her upbeat crew, I wanted to get a little more exercise, so I decided to cut the tall grass in our backyard. I decided to use the weed-eater because the grass and weeds were way too high for the lawnmower to tackle.

Forty minutes later I was once again covered in grass and looked like an old Chia Pet that should be thrown away and I was almost blind and could barely see because my bifocals were covered with grass and weeds and they looked like Tony's camouflaged Photo Booth. After I had beat the yard back down to where I could barely see the ground, I turned off Mary Jane and went to visit with Lisa because she, Meghan and Matt were fixin' to leave and head back to Kerrville.

After eating Tony's favorite meal for lunch, cornbread and beans, I checked my e-mail and nearly screamed with delight when I read Donna "The Drummer" Schloss' note! She wanted to know if today would be a good day for her friend J. D. and me to meet at her home so he could give me his electronic drum pad kit. After shooting a few e-mails back and forth we decided to meet at one forty-five for the passing of the drum kit and I couldn't wait to receive.

When Tony and I took off for Kerrville I pulled Garmina out of the glove box and typed in Donna's address. Garmina told me that our arrival time at Donna's house would be at one thirty-seven so I sat back and enjoyed the ride knowing that Garmina would get us there without us getting lost or so I thought.

When we entered Donna "The Drummer" Schloss' neighborhood Garmina told us to take a right and then after passing a few homes she told us to stop because we had arrived at our destination. "Tony this is not Donna's address. Garmina is wrong!"

"Nance, Garmina is never wrong and you know that. I bet you typed in the address wrong."

"No, I didn't. Look. Garmina lied! I swear you just can't trust anyone..." I then handed Tony the GPS and he checked the address and he acknowledged that Garmina was a liar or dumber than a rock or was just having a bad day, so we drove down the street until we found the mailbox that matched the address that I had written down on a pink index card. Then to make sure before getting out of Buttermilk I called Donna from my cell phone to make sure that we were at her house. Then she walked outside to greet us with Misha, her sweet black Labrador mix.

We had a really fun visit with Donna as we waited for J.D. to arrive, while Misha took turns letting us pet her as she gave out kisses. When J.D. arrived he was carrying my soon-to-be Yamaha electronic drum pad kit along with the instruction manual!

After a nice visit with J.D. and Donna, J.D. turned on the drum kit to show me how it worked. It was AC/DC and had a built in metronome and came with a recorder and it was loaded with all kinds of cool effects and I couldn't wait to get it home so I could bang on it to my hearts desire. After I thanked J.D. for giving me his electronic drum pad kit I said, "And Tony really wants to thank you. He is not a lover of drums and he has already told me that I have to pound it inside my writing cabin with the windows closed." Donna,  and J.D. laughed and understood exactly where T. was coming from.

When we got home Tony inserted the batteries for me and then he turned on the drum pad kit and I went to banging on it with my pretty, pink feathered drumsticks as Tony, Lucky and the dogs watched. After my first ten minute thump I handed my sticks to Tone and he went to drumming on it and he really sounded good for a first timer. "Tony, you're a natural!" I declared as he pounded away. When I turned on my camera to take a short video clip of him drumming, he stopped and handed my sticks back to me because he is camera shy. Then he grabbed his camera and went outside to his Photo Booth.

I played the drums for over an hour and had a total blast! Tomorrow Thumper, the name I gave to my new used electronic drum pad kit will be moving outside permanently to my writing cabin and I hope to spend some quality time out there from here on out. Thank you Donna "The Drummer" Schloss for hooking J.D and us up! And thank you J.D. for giving me the coolest electronic drum pad kit! I'm going to send Jon and Sandy at Wolfmueller's Books an e-mail to ask them to please give you a signed copy of my book, that I will pay them for later. And I hope that you will enjoy reading my book as much as I will enjoy Thumper!
P.S. Kinky won the bet on who would have the first hummingbird to arrive. Tonight when I went over to the Lodge as I was visiting with Frank I looked out the window and saw a beautiful little hummer filling up on red colored sugar water. I plan to call him tomorrow to let him know. Thank goodness we didn't bet money on it.

Y'all have a great evening!

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