Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Undepressable Press Is UP!

Today has turned out great even though it was a little weird. Since I was caught up yesterday with my monthly quota of five miles per day I didn't walk this morning. Instead of walking I went outside and mowed and weed-eated the rescue ranch with Lisa, Melody, Joe and Tony. By eleven-fifteen the ranch looked gorgeous except for the front yard of my writing cabin. I plan to do that tomorrow morning after I walk. Thank you, Lisa, Melody and Joe!

When I came inside the trailer covered in fresh cut green grass, weeds and stickers my friend Rick, "The Friendly Lighthouse Keeper" called me from Port Aransas. We had a fun conversation and it looks like he and Leisa are coming up Satuday to help us out with the Republic Harley-Davidson road rally this Saturday that benefits the rescue ranch! I am so glad that they are coming up and I cannot wait to see them. I know that we will have a lot of fun.

At fifteen minutes past noon I nearly had a full blown panic attack because when I went to 48hrBooks to get the tracking number for my books, I highlighted and copied the tracking number and then pasted it into the UPS tracking box and that's when I hollered, "OMG, Tony! It says my books were delivered to our front door and it was over nighted instead of shipped standard! Come look!" Tony stared at my computer and shook his head because no UPS truck has been out here today. "Let's go out to the mailbox," I said. "Maybe they dropped my books off at our mailbox?"

We jumped into Buttermilk and took off down the road. Two and a half miles later we found our mail in our box but there were no books, so we came back and went over to Kinky's to see if they had been dropped off there. We left the Lodge discouraged because my books weren't there either. I was so upset. On our way home Tony said, "This is ridiculous, Nance. I want to call UPS and I want to talk to them."

When we came back inside the trailer I went to my account on 48hrBooks and showed Tony the tracking number. Then I highlighted it and copied it like I had earlier. Then I went to UPS and pasted the tracking number to track it. Then I screamed! "T., now it says that my books are scheduled to be delivered today and it shows the weight, etc. How in the world could this happen? I don't understand   this because I copied and pasted the number both times. I bet Mercury in retrograde has something to do with this... "

At one-fifteen Jessica and Mike, a nice couple from Austin showed up for their appointment with Jessica's rescued female dog, Charlie, so they could see if Paul McCartney, the dog Mike wanted to adopt would get along with Charlie. After Tone and I talked to them about Paul, Mike told me when he saw Paul's picture in the Austin Chronicle he fell in love with him instantly, and when he found out that Paul McCartney was the dog's name it blew him away because he is a major big fan of the Beatles.

After Mike and Jessica took the dogs for a long walk they came back all smiles and Mike told me that the dogs really liked each other and he wanted to take Paul home with them. We were thrilled but not as much as Paul was. When Mike opened the rear door hatch Paul and Charlie jumped in quickly with their tails wagging and they gave each other a kiss. After they drove away we talked about how nice the young couple was and how happy we were for Paul.

The next two hours seemed to pass slower than usual for me because I could not wait to get my books. Around three-twenty our electricity went off, so I quickly unplugged everything from the walls so a power surge wouldn't blow up our electronics. Then Tony and I and the dogs went into Outer Space since there was nothing else that we could do but wait for it to come back on and to wait for my books to show up.

At two minutes before four o'clock we heard the UPS truck and all of our rescued dogs started barking and howling. I ran into the trailer and grabbed my camera as Tony took off to meet the UPS driver so he could help him unload the many boxes into the back of Buttermilk. Here are three pictures I took of this exciting event!

I still have not gotten my web site about my book up and running yet and if you want to purchase a copy of my book here are the details. And our operators are standing by and waiting to hear from you. Laugh out loud.

The book costs $19.95 and I will be glad to sign it. Just give me the name and the address as to where to send it. And please give me your phone number in case I can't read your handwriting.

It costs $5.00 to ship anywhere in the U.S.A. but if you are in Canada or somewhere else on this planet please double the cost of shipping, so I don't go broke.

For all out-of-state people there is no sales tax, but if you are lucky to live in Texas then please add the 8.25 percent sales tax which is $1.64 if I figured it correctly.

Right now I am only accepting checks or money orders, so please mail and make your checks payable to:

Undepressable Press
966 Echo Hill Road
Medina, Texas 78055-3715

And please do not send any money to England. I am in Texas. As soon as we receive your check or money order Tony and I will mail your book/books to you within 48 hours. And I want to wish my friend Lori Graham of The NoMads a Happy 50th Birthday!

Y'all have a great evening!


Unknown said...

I'm so excited about your book. Don't forget to save me 3 copies.
Jermaine says "hey". You and Tony need to come see him in his new digs. You won't believe the difference.
Eileen and I want to come help on Saturday. What time should we be there?

Roger said...

Hi Nancy,
I should be getting my copy of your new book any day now, thought it would be here today. Your dedication to walking is nothing short of amazing, you've almost walked from the ranch to Wichita Kansas and that's a long day of driving at 60 to 80 MPH. To the lady who is interested in adopting Mr. Rogers and Miss Dee, Mary and I would love to get progress reports on them and you might be interested in their life here in Wichita. Feel free to call us.
Roger and Mary Peach 316-554-0521