Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sorry, Not Tonight!

This morning when I woke up I was fine until I walked into the kitchen and read the note on the breakfast bar, that Tony had left for me to read. "I'm sorry, Nance, Maude passed away during the night. When I get home I will bury her. I love you, Tony."

Tonight, in honor of Maudie, a very special little old dog, who immediately chose to be Tone's dog when we rescued her this past Fall, along with Buddy, the Nubian goat, I am sad to say that I have no words to express our sadness over the loss of this sweet little black dog—who found us, then stole our hearts and has now broken them.

Rest in peace little one. You were a great dog and we wish that we had known you longer. I promise that you will never be forgotten and I thank you for being a part of our lives. Godspeed.


Eileen said...

Maudie had two of the best people on earth during her last months and I know she was happy with you. I'm so sorry you lost her. What a fitting picture you posted of little Maudie.

Fay said...

Sorry to hear of Maudie's passing.

Ellen said...

So sorry to hear about little Maudie. She couldn't have been in a better place than yours. You and Tony will have quite a lineup waiting to greet you when you get to heaven.