Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Should Have Shot You, Again!

Yesterday was a great day. Friday morning, our great volunteers: Eileen, Jim and Lisa, came out to walk our dogs and so did Sharon Griswold, the incredible dog whisperer of "Rover Misbehaving?" who volunteers her time here, so she could work some more of her magic on Annie Oakley and Mr. Rogers. And now it is time for me to do a big shout out to them—"The Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch Salutes:  Eileen, Jim, Lisa and Sharon for caring and helping our dogs! Thank You! We love y'all!"

Like yesterday, today was great, too. This morning around eleven o'clock Karlen & Drake and Zach came out to officially hang Karlen's sign, that we had made—for sponsoring a dog pen for a $1,000.00 donation. And, we thank you, Karlen!

When they arrived we invited them inside the trailer for some coffee and to show Karlen her sign. The second Karlen saw the sign she teared up, then she said, "I love it! And you put Chula's picture on it, too!" Then Karlen gave us some cute pictures of Chula Bean with Al Gore, the handsome, black Lab that they had also adopted from us years ago.

When our coffee mugs were emptied, we went outside, in the misting rain, to hang Karlen's sign on the pen that Chula was in, when they adopted her and it was pretty emotional, especially for Karlen. Here are two pictures that I took of Karlen and Drake, and I need to apologize to them now. Drake, I am blind as a bat, so please forgive me for shooting you with a branch in front of your face. And Karlen, when I shot you, I forgot that you were posing for Zach at the time and I should have shot you again.

After my lousy photo-shoot, we went over to the Lodge to visit with Kinky and all that I am at liberty to say is, "We had a fun and a very, very interesting conversation with him in his kitchen.

This evening I did some work on the Space Ship. I took off the four cabinet doors in "The Red Room" and painted them, on our front porch, like the other cabinet doors in "The Blue Room" and I am so glad that I am finally done with them, because it took me over two hours to accomplish.

It is just a little past eight o'clock and I am so tired I'm fixin' to go to bed.

Y'all have a great evening!

1 comment:

Karlen McLean said...

Nancy, it was a banner day and I thank you for all the good things y'all do. It wasn't about the photos, it was about helping the Rescue Ranch and honoring Chula. The sign is wonderful and I hope it inspires others to donate as well. -- Karlen