Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Not A Problem!

Today has been a quiet day, which was good, because I walked six miles and then spent most of my day doing paperwork and returning phone calls and e-mails.

After lunch Buttermilk took us to Kerrville to get dog food and gas at H-E-B. Then we swung by Copies Plus so Tony could pick up some postcards that they printed for him. Marcie greeted us when we walked inside and then she handed T. his large pack of beautiful postcards and they looked beautiful, as usual. Unfortunately, Trisha was out running errands, so we wished Marcie a happy turkey day and then we took off for home.

"Tony, you have got to read Doug Fine's book. I finished reading it last night and I loved it." T. nodded his head up and down, as he slowed down and carefully steered Buttermilk through some never-ending road construction on 16. "In one chapter of his book, Doug talked about raising his chickens and eating their healthy organic eggs and about a coyote who loved his chickens more than their eggs. I want to buy some chickens."

"Nance," Tone said. "I want chickens too. I miss them. But remember last year when a coon found ours and killed everyone of them within a week. I don't think it is a good..."

"Tony, I want chickens, so we can eat healthy eggs, again. I was thinking that maybe next week after everything settles down here, I'd build us a new chicken coop and I know I can do it all by myself and it would be a fun project for me, healthier for us and help us leave a smaller carbon footprint. I've been checking out chicken coop designs on the Internet this morning while doing paperwork and..."

"T. shook his head sideways. "Okay, but you are going to have to build it by yourself, because of my back." I smiled and thought, "Not a problem."

"Great! We can go to Home Depot on Monday or Tuesday and I will charge it all to my account. I can't wait! I bet I can build it in a couple of days and then we will go get us some chickens! Hello, healthy eggs! And, I could paint it pink!"

This evening I took some pictures of our newly decorated trailer. Thunder is in the first picture and Toto is the "old man" on the newly upholstered navy blue chair. I love the transformation and I hope that you like the new curtains, painted kitchen and painted rugs that I made.

I just took this of Mama. I am fixin' to surf the Net for chicken coop designs!

Y'all have a great evening!

1 comment:

DY_Goddess said...

Wow! Your place looks amazing, great job Nance!
F. xo