Thursday, September 11, 2014

Gettin' On The Well Side!

Yesterday morning, I wasn't feeling great. I was all achey, nauseous and still had a headache, so Tony told me to get back in bed and he would take care of the morning chores. Our dogs and I slept for two hours, because when they heard Tony come back inside they jumped off the bed to go greet him.

After taking a shower, Tony loaded up Chad Stewart and we took him to Hoegemeyers to get all of his shots. Even though I wasn't hungry, we decided to eat at The Hat. I ordered their delicious Tortilla Soup, because I figured chicken soup might help me feel better. Well, I was wrong.

By the time we got back home I started running fever and having chills, so I went straight to the bed, with our dogs and we slept until 5:00. Around 7:00, after drinking a ton of water, I went back to bed and didn't wake up until 7:00 this morning. My fever was gone and I knew the worst was over. I was gettin' on the well side.

This morning, Tony did our morning chores again, so I could go back to bed to rest. I didn't rest—I slept. Around 10:15, I got up and filled out the adoption papers for Dottie West and then I called Tom and Linda to ask them to please meet Tony at 11:00, at Hoegemeyers, so they could fill out the Dottie's papers and take her home. Then I called Susan to tell her that Tony was coming in to pick up Chad and adopt out sweet Dottie. Here's the picture he took for me, of Dottie's adoption in Hoegemeyer's parking lot.

When Tony got back home, I had already cooked us a big pot of chicken vegetable soup. And after we ate it, yes, I went back to bed, again. Around 3:00, our dogs and I woke up. I was thrilled that my headache was finally gone and I was feeling about 90% better!


Mari of the NoMads said...

It's so good to read that you're back among the "living", Nancy! Here's hoping your health continues to improve over the next day or so. I already know that your attitude will, because there is RAIN (and cooler temperatures)predicted thru next Wednesday! Yippee for all of us in Texas who so desperately need this rain!

cousin nancy said...

Hi Mari! Thank you for comment. I hope that no else gets what I had. In fact, during my long stay in bed, I began contemplating who I should give my guitar to. LOL!

We've already gotten 1/2 inch of rain with more coming soon. I hope y'all get more than us.

Mari of the NoMads said...

Well Nancy, we only got a whopping .03 inch of rain in total, but I'm making 'lemonade out of lemons' in this new 'desert' we apparently live in now. I'm making prickly pear jelly from the gorgeous maroon fruits on the cactus this year! The next time we meet I'll be sure to give you and Tony a jar of Nature's more delicious bounty! Yummy stuff and sure to add a little sunshine (definitely not rain - sigh) to your life.

cousin nancy said...

Hi Mari! We got a total of 1 inch and I am sorry that you only got .03. : (

That is great news about making homemade prickly pear jelly. I've never eaten it and now I am REALLY looking forward to seeing you soon. Don't forget to save me a jar!