Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Yesterday when Tony and I went to Kerrville to replace our broken water transfer pump that we use with our water collection system, we ran into our dear friend Tom. (FYI: He and his family are in my daily prayer's Kerr County region.)

Anyway, many years ago Tom was forced to surrender their young, female Dalmatian to us and I renamed her Annie Oakley. So when we were visiting with Tom he mentioned that he had recently talked to Gail, the sweet woman who had ended up adopting Annie from us. But that was all that I could remember.

After our fun visit with Tom, we exchanged the broken pump for a new one, because it was still under its one year warranty—thank goodness. Then we headed back home.

On our way back to Big Foot Ranch, Tony and I talked about Annie Oakley, but we could not remember her getting adopted to Gail. But I did remember that the sweet woman (Gail) who adopted Annie from us, at the very last minute before her departure, she decided to also adopt Annie's sweet roommate—George Clooney. (Over the years we had rescued several George Clooneys, at the rescue ranch, and most of them were Black Labs.) I guess because I love George Clooney and because I love Labs of any color.

And please note that this George Clooney was not our semi-famous water diving George. That Eileen and all of us loved—even though he pulled Suzanne into the creek and got her soaking wet with him.

So when we got back home I decided to search for Annie Oakley's story. First, I checked my photos, but came up empty. I would have searched my rescue ranch records, but they are safely packed away, in a box—probably somewhere in the barn.

Not wanting to give up on Annie's story, I then Googled Annie Oakley/rescue ranch/Cousin Nancy and within a few minutes I found Annie's adoption story written on October 12, 2012 by Judith Pannebaker, for the Bandera County Courier titled How Jed Clamped Became Jethro Tull , and also on my blog, dated September 15, 2012!

On that September 15th Saturday Blog post titled: Jake Spoon! or Have Y'all Died! I had a blast re-reading/reliving it. It was entertaining and pretty funny too, even if I do say so. And I could not believe that much time had passed by so quickly.

After reading Judith's fun article and then my Blog post—I remembered it all like it was yesterday, but you must read my post Jake Spoon! or Have Y'all Died! for all of those details. And I have to admit that re-reading Sandy Wolfmueller's hilarious phone message—made me laugh out loud and just writing about it just made me laugh out loud, again.

Then I found another one of my Blog posts dated September 21st titled Goldie Hawn & Jed Clampett which has pictures of Annie Oakley enjoying her new home with Gail and George. And after reading it and looking at the pictures—it made my heart soar, because Tom told us that both dogs are still loving Gail and their lives.

And that is about it for tonight. Life is good—thank goodness and for people like Gail. (So, I'll add her name in my Kerr County region, too.)

P.S. Today has been great, too.

Y'all have a great evening and keep on laughing!

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