Saturday, September 1, 2012

She Loves Big Dogs!

Today has been great, even though there was a beautiful Blue (Full) Moon last night, which explains why we had so many visitors come out today. This morning after I had cleaned the dog pens, I came inside and took a shower and while Lassie was BLOW drying my hair, our first visitors showed up, so Tony showed the out-of-towners around.

When I came outside to help him, two car loads of people showed up, so I gave them tours. Then Gail, a super nice woman arrived, while I was inside on the phone giving directions to the rescue ranch. Then Kinky called me and after I had told him I would come over to the Lodge, in just a few minutes, I went outside to meet Gail, who had called earlier in the week, because she wanted to adopt two of our larger dogs, because she loves big dogs.

After a fun visit with Gail, who we really liked, she told us which two dogs that she wanted to adopt, but she was not quite ready to take them home and she would would come back to adopt them and pick them up in two weeks.

When Gail drove away, I jumped into Trigger and drove over to the Lodge. When I told Kinky about the upcoming, pending adoptions, he was delighted, to say the least. After we had talked about his upcoming tours, I came back home and cooked lunch for T. and me. Then we spent the rest of the day giving some very nice people tours of the rescue ranch.

Around 4:30, after I had walked four more fast miles with Leslie Sansone, I took an enjoyable, sleepless thirty minute nap with our dogs.

This evening Tony and I are going to watch a movie and then go to bed early, because we have two sets of visitors coming out tomorrow. And that is about it for tonight.

Y'all have a great evening!

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