Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What Kevin Suggested!

Today has been fun. This morning I cleaned the dog pens instead of walking the distance with Leslie. Then I came inside the trailer to get ready for our eleven o'clock appointment with a nice man and his wife, who drove all of the way down from Arkansas, who wanted to see our rescue ranch and talk to Tony and me about animal rescue, because they are thinking about moving to Texas and starting a horse rescue ranch.

But unfortunately that didn't happen. He called me twenty minutes before they were supposed to arrive to cancel our meeting, because his wife had become suddenly ill, so he was going to take her the hospital instead. Hopefully, tomorrow he will call me with good news about his wife before they head back up to Arkansas.

Around 11:45 (Please note that I have decided to use numerals instead of spelling out the time, because it is faster.) I checked my e-mail and the note I received from Mari, of The NoMads, tickled me and made me laugh out loud and that was when Tone walked inside the trailer and said those famous words, "Nance, I'm starving. Can we go eat at The Water Street Cafe, in Kerrville, since you haven't started cooking, yet? It will be my treat for helping me this morning.

"Sure, that sounds good, but give me two minutes, so I can reply to Mari's funny e-mail. I'm going to invite her to join us for lunch because she loves that place, too."

Thirty-two minutes later, we walked into the crowed, popular restaurant and sat down, in hopes that Mari would join us before we placed our order. Well, Mari was a no-show, but Kevin, the owner of Water Street Cafe, did and we got to visiting. "Kevin, I just want you to know that we love your cafe and now our two most favorite places to eat in Kerrville is here and at Randy & Lisa's Save Inn Restaurant."

As I enjoyed his delicious, homemade Lentil Soup, I complimented him on how good it was and I almost got him to tell me all of his secret ingredients, but I didn't get all of them, because he reads my blog and probably realized that I was attempting to steal his secret recipe and make it mine, because he is one sharp cookie, so to speak and then he changed the subject. "Did you walk four miles this morning?"

"Nope, I cleaned dog pens instead. Kevin, by the way, thanks for the funny comment you made on yesterdays blog, suggesting that we wash Trigger and roll the windows down, like you—to help make it rain today. Do you want to go wash Trigger for us? He's right outside and could really use a bath." Kevin thought it was funny, but took no action, so Trigger is sitting outside and still dirty.

After we left Kevin's cafe we marched up the street to Wolfmueller's books to say "Hi" to Sandy and Jon. When we walked inside their, bustling with customers, bookstore they greeted us and then they introduced us to a nice couple, who were their friends from Fredericksburg and we had a real fun time visiting with them.

When Sandy and Jon got busy helping their customers find books we adios-ed them and then we headed for Office Max to pick up a few office supplies before heading home. As we were checking out we had the nicest surprise. Mari walked inside, "Hey, Mari!" T. and I half-hollered from the checkout counter.

Mari, who had not seen us looked over and then the three of us started laughing. And then we had a fun visit, standing outside the front door of Office Max and of course, it was filled with non-stop laughter. Then she headed home and so did we and that's when my back started aching.

Early this evening, I spent over an hour playing my guitar, that Ronnie made for me, eight or nine years ago and not to brag (Yes, I truly am bragging.) I sounded pretty good or at least that's what T. said. I figured out how to play a couple more of Neil Young songs and then I practiced on my finger-picking skills until my fingertips were killing me.

As I finish writing this tonight, I want Mari to know that I am sitting on her pretty, pink sheepskin, that she gave to me, because my back is aching from laughing way too much today thanks to her, Sandy & Jon and Kevin. And now, as soon as I finish typing this, I 'm fixin' to find out if Mari's magic sheepskin can heal the pain in my fingertips.

Y'all have a great evening! And please pray for rain for us tonight by doing what Kevin suggested Tony and I do to help make it rain—wash your vehicle and then roll down the windows and wait.


Mari of the NoMads said...

And as you know by now, the trick worked! Farmers, ranchers and just about everyone are grateful to Kevin for his fabulous tip to bring down the rain! And here I was, fixing to hire folks to do some rain dances. Silly me! I know now that Kevin's way is THE way!

Brenda James said...

Dang, Nance! Your back sure does give you fits, doesn't it?
My mama is using one of those 'flip-you-upside-down' contraptions, and it has helped her for about 2 years now. (She got it at Bed Bath and Beyond on sale.)Inversion table, that's what it is called. About 10 minutes a day, and it really made a difference. If you had one, would you use it? I will start watching the ads, if you would.
I hope that back of yours gets better soon, darlin'!
I am loving your blog, by the way!!!

Karin Pohlmann said...

How to make it raining: Wash and groom your white poodle, go to the hairdresser, clean your windows, wash your car! In Germany this does work! We have too much rain. I hope I am able to visit Texas soon. Then, I am sure, it will be rain...Love, Karin

cousin nancy said...

Hi, Mari, Brenda and Karin! Thank y'all for commenting. Mari, it was great seeing you yesterday at Office Max and I think Kevin should patent his rain-maker idea, because it works. We got 1 inch of rain last night!

Brenda, I've heard about those inversion table, but I am not sure that I would use one because of the fear of getting stuck upside down, but thank you for the advice and offering to find me one. Tony thinks my back problems would be cured if I would quit laughing so much. Ha! That ain't happening.

Karin, I like how you Germans do things for rain. I will certainly use your plan as back up to Kevin's plan. Please come to Texas as see us as soon as you can, so we can take you out to eat at Randy & Lisa's Save Inn Restaurant and Kevin's Water Street Cafe!