Friday, June 10, 2011

Thanks To Eileen!

This morning I got up real early and did all of my morning chores and then I walked four-fast miles with Leslie Sansone and then I had breakfast ready for Tony when he returned from the Old Timer. I'm not real sure why I did all of this so early this morning, but I was glad that I had.

After returning several phone calls, e-mails and paying some bills I needed to clean up, so I decided to take a bath and try to meditate in the bathtub, because I have not been successful at meditating anywhere else in the trailer and that turned out to be a joke.

While my old, plastic garden tub filled with warm water I lit a special red candle that a dear, old dead friend had given to me years ago, before she died and then I lit a stick of my favorite New Mexico Pinion Pine incense and I placed them on the counter top by the sink. Then I turned on the television in the big room and selected Direct TV's  New Age music on Channel 856 and turned it up loud enough so I could hear the music in the bathroom and then I got into the tub.

I decided to bathe first and then meditate. When it was time for me to start meditating I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer and then I took some deep breaths to relax. When I softly whispered my first high-pitched "om" I started laughing at myself, because I felt stupid, which is the main reason why I have so much trouble meditating, because I can't quit laughing when I start "om-ing."

On my fourth "om" attempt I didn't laugh—until this stupid sounding music started playing loudly from the living room. And it would have made you laugh too because it sounded a little like Ravi Shankar Gone Country and it was horrible—so I gave up trying to meditate and got dressed.

After blowing out the red candle I decided to smudge the trailer before the sweet smelling incense burned out and then because I was a little depressed about not being able to meditate, I went outside and discovered that Eileen our super, great volunteer and good friend was here. And that immediately cheered me up, so I took off to find her.

When I reached the barn I saw that Maggie and La Toya were gone from their pen. "Eileen's not here," Tony said. "She just left to take La Toya and Maggie for a walk."

"I know. Let me help you clean pens while she is gone." By the time I had cleaned Blackie & Alfie's, Wolf's, Little Girl & Layla's and Honey & Baxter's pens Eileen returned with two very happy dogs and that's when I went over to thank her for coming out and to visit with her. And thanks to Eileen after a fun visit filled with laughter—she had made my day great. Thank you, Eileen!

This evening at ten minutes past seven the phone rang—it was Kinky calling from Down Under—Sydney to be exact, so I picked up the phone. "Hi, Kink!"

"Hey, Nance! How are you doing?..." After a brief but fun conversation we adios-ed each other and I am so happy that he is having a fun tour and that his and Van Dyke Parks' shows are selling out even though I miss him and he won't be back at the ranch until July 4th.

Y'all have a great evening!

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