Sunday, November 29, 2009

Black Friday Weekend!

Today not a lot happened. I walked six miles, and after lunch, after hearing our weather report, Tony and I decided to go to Kerrville to get supplies, so we wouldn't have to go during the bad weather, forecasted for Monday and Tuesday.

We really did not want to go to Walmart, because of the holiday crowds, but when we arrived at Walmart, we were shocked, because the parking lot was only half full. When we went inside, it was not crowded at all. I was glad that the store wasn't packed with people, which made our shopping faster and much easier.

While we were standing in line, and the woman checking out in front of us told the cashier, "This Christmas is so depressing for me. My husband lost his job, and he has been out of work since September. Thank goodness my children are grown and understand..." I felt so sad for her. I sure that hope our economy gets better for all of us sooner than later. 

Kinky called while we were putting up our groceries. He invited us to come over for a visit. Tony didn't go because he had some farming to take care of. 

Kinky and I had a nice visit in the kitchen, while he cooked up some spaghetti. He offered me some, but I didn't want any because I'm trying not to gain any holiday weight. And, I must say that I was very impressed with Kinky's culinary skills. They have really improved! 

The rest of our day was quiet and uneventful. I hope that everyone had a great holiday weekend.

Y'all have a great evening!

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