Monday, October 7, 2013

Soap Box Time!

Jim, a dear friend of mine, out in California, sent me this short, three minute video about why it is so important for all of us to buy more Made In USA products, that will bring the jobs back home. As you already know, when I shop I try to only buy Made In USA products, so after watching this video, I decided not to share it with just my friends, but with all of y'all. Please take the time to watch this informative video and please share it with all of your friends. Okay, I've put it out there and am stepping off of my soap box.


Mari of the NoMads said...

That rush of air you felt this afternoon was from my fingers flying over the keyboard forwarding this link to everyone I know.

You KNOW how strongly I feel about this issue and this video is so 'to the point'.

Thanks for sharing!

cousin nancy said...

Hi Mari. Thank you for sharing it, too.

cousin nancy said...

Hi Mari. Thank you for sharing it, too.