Friday, March 16, 2012

Fort Winston!

Today has been a lot of fun, as was yesterday when I made a fool out of myself, in front of Ben and Tony.

Yesterday morning, before Kinky took off for a few days, Tony and I went over to the Lodge to talk with Kinky, Ben and Brian Molnar, who btw: is playing SXSW at Opa's tonight, in Austin.

After a lengthy, but an hilarious discussion about the mini-backyard that we were going to build for Kinky, because of Winston Churchill, "The Roving Beagle," Ben jumped into his truck and Tone and I climbed into Trigger and headed back over to the rescue ranch, so they could do the outside morning chores, while I went to Medina to buy cement for "Fort Winston."

Before we went over to the Lodge for them to erect Fort Winston, I asked Ben to please mix up some cement and pour it in front of our front yard gate entrance, where I always trip and where the gate hangs going into The Okay Corral, because I am always having to ask people to, "Please watch your step."

After Ben had added some water to the cement, inside the wheel barrel, he told us that he needed a hoe to use to mix up the cement, but T. told him he didn't know where it was, which seemed to frustrate Ben a little, because that meant he had to use a shovel, which doesn't work as well.

When Ben shoveled and tried to mix up the cement, I felt sorry for him having to use a shovel and that is when I innocently asked, because I am not a "Garden Person," because of snakes, dirt, stickers, scorpions and ants, etc., "What does a hoe look like?" T. and Ben looked at each other and burst out laughing and I am not going to tell you what they said to me, even though it was pretty funny.

Once we had quit laughing about my dumb question, Ben and Tony described what the garden tool looked like, so I went to Tone's garden, determined to find Ben a hoe to help him out.

And with my luck, since I am a Libra and a Rabbit (The luckiest) on the Chinese calendar—I found Ben a hoe, laying next to some recently dead Thistle that I had killed last week. And to say the least, "Ben was thrilled about me finding him a hoe so quick."

And the reason that I am telling you the story about yesterday's "Hoe Incident," in the first place, is because Tony, Ben and Will demanded that I blog about it, to prove once again, that I am not the sharpest tool in the tool shed, which I have always known. Hoe! Hoe! Hoe!  : )

This morning our great volunteers: June, Eileen and Jim came out to walk our dogs for us and we cannot thank them enough for making our dogs so happy today and for all that they do for our super dogs well being. And before they left to go eat lunch, I grabbed Eileen and whisked her away, in Kermit, so I could show off Maya to her, because Eileen is a genuine horse woman aka cowgirl, like Carol is, and Eileen thought Maya was absolutely beautiful, too, which made my day today. "Thank you, Eileen!"

Later today, it was non-stop laughter and teasing, over at the Lodge, as I watched and tried to help (gopher) Ben doing most of the work on the fence, with Will and Tony assisting him, to finish the Fort Winston mini-backyard, for Kink and I must say, "It looks absolutely beautiful and I totally love it and so will The Friedmans. And I'm sure when Kinky gets back to the ranch he will be very pleased with it, too."

Before Ben left today to go back home to Austin, he came over for a fun visit and to see the clean-up work that Tony and I have done to my old saddle.

"It's looking good, Nance..."

P.S. Great news! I actually woke up at 7:15 this morning!

Y'all have a great evening!

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