Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do!

This morning, after breakfast, I declared a day off from my rescue ranch work, because I am determined to finish my book by the end of this week and get it published. I am also taking tomorrow off, too.

After working over four hours non-stop on it, Will Wallace came over for a visit. That's when I realized that it was past our lunch time, Tony was 'starving' and I needed to take a break. The three of us decided to go to the Chinese restaurant in Kerrville, across the street from Albertsons for lunch, because I needed to go to Office Max for a few office supplies.

Our lunch was hilarious! "What sign are you, Will?" I asked, as we waited for the waitress to take our order.

"The Dragon," Will replied. "It's the best sign of them all."

"I'm sorry to tell you, Will, but my sign, the Rabbit is the luckiest and the best. It says so right here," I said, pointing to the Rabbit on my paper place mat. Will read what it said about the Rabbit on his place mat.

"I'm sorry to tell you, Nancy, it says you're the luckiest, but it says nothing about the Rabbit being the best. The Dragon is the..."

"Are y'all ready to order?" A young, and pretty waitress asked. She was smiling at Will and he took note! He sat up tall in his chair and shot her a big smile that sorta melted her. "Which do you think is the best sign? I'm a Dragon." He said to the blushing blond.

Before she could answer him, I said, "It's the Rabbit. Will's not from Kerrville." He smiled, she smiled, he smiled, and then we gave her our order.

While we waited for our teas, and Will's Coca Cola, I teased Will about flirting with her and her flirting with him. Will just smiled and then he laughed. "It's because I'm a Dragon. Girls just can't resist me. It happens all of the time." Then our drinks arrived, along with our soups.

Tone shot me a wink, as the cute waitress flirted with Will. "So, if you're not from Kerrville, where are you from?" She asked.

"Mars!" I quipped.

"Let's just say, that I'm from Texas," Will said, twisting his moustache, as their eyes locked.

I'm sitting there thinking, 'Let's just say, you've got great pickup lines, Will and full of you know what.' After she left our table, Tony and I teased Will relentlessly!

"Will, I think she is in love with you!" Tone said. "You need to get her phone number." Will just smiled at us. Then she returned and refilled Will's glass with more Coca Cola. I think Tony really enjoyed her bending over in front of him, as she leaned across the table to fill Will's glass, that was more than half full.

A few minutes later, she served us our lunch. Throughout our lunch, when the sweet, lovesick waitress wasn't refilling Will's glass, Tony and I teased him about being a chick-magnet. All he did was keep on smiling, and telling us that it was because he was a Dragon.

After the young woman removed our plates, she delivered the bill, along with three fortune cookies. I picked up a cookie and started to open it, when Will said, "You can't pick your own fortune cookie. Someone has to give it to you. Am I right?" He said, looking at the waitress.

"I guess," she said, as she stared dreamily into Will's brown eyes. "But, I'm the one who picked them for you." Then she laughed, and refilled Will's nearly full glass of Coke, again.

By now, I'm positive that Will had drank over a gallon of Coca-Cola, but he lifted his glass to her and said, "Pick mine for me, please." She did as she was told, and then Will picked mine for me, and then he handed Tony his.

"I've never heard of that, Will," I said. Then we read our fortunes aloud. They were okay, but nothing special, even if we added the words, 'in bed,' to the end of them.

After paying the bill, I filled a Styrofoam container with three fourths of my uneaten meal, then it was time for us to leave and for Will to break up with his new wannabe girlfriend.

I felt sorry for her, because breaking up is hard to do, but Will was cool with it. After she asked him if he enjoyed his meal, he replied, "Yes. It was fine." Then the three of us walked out of the restaurant. Tone and I teased Will as he escorted us to Trigger.

"Bye Will. See you at the ranch!" I said.

"Nance," Tony said, as we waited at the signal light, to cross over 16, to go to Office Max, "That waitress was in love with Will! She only gave us one refill of tea!"

"That's because we are old, Tony" I said.

When we got back to the ranch, I spent the rest of the day working on my book and I have gotten so much done! Hopefully, by the end of tomorrow, I will be ready to print it out and take it to Sheryl Eddins to be edited!

P.S. Kinky is coming back to the ranch tonight, and he is doing Imus tomorrow morning on the Fox Business Channel! I hope that you can catch it! I can't wait to see Kinky!

Y'all have a great evening!

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