Friday, October 28, 2011

The He Did It Miracle!

Today has been great. This morning while Tony and I were outside doing our chores our great volunteer Jim showed up to walk our dogs and five minutes later three of the Fab 4 volunteers (June couldn't make it.) showed up to walk our dogs, too.

As soon as I was done picking up poop, I walked with Lisa, Eileen and Ellen and their three happy dogs and I had a wonderful, fun visit with them. On our way back to the rescue ranch, we had to stop, because Moe Bandy had jumped out of his pen and was running around the rescue ranch and we didn't want him messing with the dogs they were walking.

When the dogs had quit barking, Jim, who was walking Annie Oakley hollered to us to let us know that he had caught Moe Bandy had put him in Annie's pen and it was now safe to return the dogs to the rescue ranch. By the time we entered the ranch, Tony came riding up in Kermit to fetch Moe Bandy, so he could drive him back to his pen to be with his roommate Mandy.

Before I went to go do some much needed paperwork, the Fab 3 invited Tony and me to join them for lunch at Koyote, after they had walked a few more dogs. "That sounds great, but before we leave I want to show y'all my writing cabin. I reupholstered the couch and Tony put up new blinds and it looks really good..."

After the girls had admired my little cabin and told us how much they loved the newly painted barns by Ben and Aaron, Tony and I jumped into Trigger and they jumped into Lisa's SUV and followed us up to Koyote. On our way to Koyote's Tony told me about, what I am now calling, "The He Did It Miracle."

"Nance, while you were inside doing paperwork, Jim went into Mr. Rogers and Miss Dee's pen, leashed them up without Mr. Rogers biting him and then Jim took them for their very first walk together."

"OMG! Jim got Mr. Rogers to finally trust him and go on a walk with Miss Dee! Tony, this is the greatest news I've had since, Lucy & Ashley Judd got adopted and Blackie & Alfie got adopted and Laz found their forever homes. I love it and Kinky is going to love it too, because he loves Mr. Rogers..."

When we arrived at Koyote, June greeted us and my first words to her were, "Jim took Mr. Rogers on his first walk with Miss Dee this morning!" Then the Fab 4 and us talked about how thrilled we were for Mr. Rogers and what patience and good work Jim had done with him. "Now, because of Jim, Mr. Rogers is more adoptable, but we still have to adopt them out together, because they love each other so much," I said, and after they all agreed with me, we went inside to eat. Here is a picture that Roger and Mary Peach took of Miss Dee and Mr. Rogers, before they brought them to us.

Tony and I were the first to place our order with the new, friendly employee and after I had written her a check, she asked the manager to come help her, because she was having trouble ringing up our order and when it was all said and done and pretty funny, the manager told me that they had accidentally overcharged us and she handed me back my check and asked me if would be okay, to void my check and rewrite another one and I was fine with it, but when I started to write another check, Lisa put her hand on my arm and said, "No, don't do it. I'm buying lunch for everyone today."

Lunch with the Fab 4 was as fun as it could be and I never quit laughing and by the time it was time for us to leave, my back was starting to ache a little, which is always a sign for having too much fun.

As soon as Tony had parked Trigger, I ran into the trailer and called Kinky on his cell phone. "Hi, Nance. What's going on?"

"Kinky, he did it!"

"What? Who did what?" Kinky said, before he started laughing. After I had told him about "The He Did It Miracle," Kinky was speechless for a couple of seconds and then he said, "Nance, this is the greatest news and I am so happy for Mr. Rogers. Please thank Jim for curing Mr. Roger's fear of leashes for me. Mr. Rogers is one super dog and this is what we are all about. In fact, the next time Jim comes out, I want to personally thank him for his fine work with Mr. Rogers and please bring June, Ellen, Eileen and Lisa too, so I can thank them for all they have done for our dogs..." After I promised him that I would—we adios-ed each other.

Y'all have a great evening and please keep praying that we get some more rain!

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