Sunday, September 26, 2010

She Was Home!

Today has been okay. This morning while I was finishing up walking six miles the phone rang—it was the nice woman who had taken Jill home to try her out, but sadly it didn't work out, because Jill hid and would not eat or drink water, so Jill came back to the rescue ranch after lunch.

When Tony returned Jill to her pen the woman watched in amazement and disbelief as Jill happily ran into her pen with her knob of a tail wagging wildly as she jumped into Tony's arms and kissed him. "Looks like  she's glad to be home," I said, as Jill ran to the gate to say hello to Ruth Buzzi and Chuck, in the pen next to hers. "This happens a lot. Every time a dog is returned to us they can't wait to get back into their pen..."

"She's acting like a totally different dog," the sweet woman said. "I really wanted her to live with me and my little rescued dog, but she would have nothing to do with us. All she wanted to do was hide. She seemed so unhappy—totally different than the way she is acting now." Jill ran up to the fence and licked my hand and then she ran back to Tony's arms. She was home.

After thanking the woman for giving Jill a chance and for bringing her back to us all of the way from San Antone, I tried to make her feel better. "Please don't feel bad—it was just not to meant to be. I promise you, she will find her perfect forever home and I hope that you find your little dog a buddy..."

Before the lady drove away she wrote a check to our rescue ranch and gave us a bag of dog food that she had especially bought for Jill and then she drove off. Five seconds later—Jill drank and drank some water. "She'll be fine, Nance," T. said, as he petted Jill, who seemed so happy to be home. "The right person will show up. I promise you."

Tony and I started mowing and weed eating late this afternoon and we didn't quit until nearly seven o'clock, because he had thrown his shoulder out and I had a headache. I haven't had a headache for over twenty years, so I figured that I had better stop weed eating and go drink some water, which was difficult because my hands kept shaking from the vibration caused by the weed eater—for over ten minutes after I had shut it off.

I am fixin' to do some reading and I want to wish Jimmie and Nelda Dunn a safe trip to Bandera. "We can't wait to see y'all! Drive careful! Kinky should be back at the ranch tomorrow and I can't wait to see him and I hope that he will be around to see you two."

Y'all have a great evening!

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