Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Egg Movie!

Today has been a nice quiet day. I fixed leftovers for lunch which was okay but nothing to brag about.

After lunch T. and I jumped into Trigger and we went to Kerrville to pick up an entry form, so I could try to win that  free horse contest sponsored by a local radio station. After we left Billy's Western Wear with the official entry form we went to H-E-B to stock up on some groceries and then we came back home.

When our groceries were put away I sat down at the kitchen table and started filling out the entry form and then I opened up my laptop, so I could type "Why I Want To Be Cowgirl" in 150 words or less, which was hard for me to do, because I write like the way I talk which is always too much and it is difficult for me to "Put It or Anything On A Bumper Sticker."

After writing 149 words why I want to be a cowgirl I printed it out and showed it to T. for him to read and he liked it. Then I went back into the kitchen and tweaked it a little more and I thought it was much better with still only 149 words. When Tone said, "It's good. I like it," I grabbed the scissors and cut out my little 149 word piece, so I could tape it to the entry form and fax it directly to the radio station. And that is when I realized that we were out of Scotch Tape.

"T., I'm going over to the Lodge to see if Kinky has any Scotch Tape. I'll be right back," I half-hollered, as I went out the front door. When I arrived at the Lodge no one was there, because Kinky was in Las Vegas attending a cigar convention and Will, who is babysitting The Friedmans for him, was somewhere on the ranch. So, I went into Kinky's office, picked up his phone and punched in his cell number. "Hi, Kinky."

"Hi, Nance. Why are you calling me from my phone? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is fine. The reason that I'm calling is I'm out of Scotch Tape and I wanted to know if you have any..." Three minutes later I walked inside our trailer with a roll of Kinky's Scotch Tape and one minute later I faxed my entry form to the radio station and then I put my Lucy magnate on it and stuck in on our refrigerator to remind me to keep wishing for it to happen. Then I e-mailed a copy of it to Carol.

Late this afternoon around 4:45 I decided to do an experiment. After breaking an egg into a small skillet as I started to walk outside with it, Tony walked into the big room and asked me what I was doing. "I'm fixing your breakfast early," I joked. "Not really. I'm going to see if I can fry an egg outside, because it is so hot."

Here are a few time lapsed photos of the egg. This first picture was taken at 4:46.

At 5:30 I had to move the skillet over, because it was in the shade.

At 7:00 I took this picture of it, as hard as a rock, even though not fully cooked.

Then I made The Egg Movie, a short 4 second video of me shaking the pan to show that it had cooked and had hardened. Later on tonight around 9:15 I am going to go outside and bring the egg inside and shoot it one more time to document my egg experiment.

Tony has just surprised me with a picture that he took early this morning of Mama and me on the front porch and I love it, even though he was supposedly only taking pictures of Belle and Abbie playing on the porch. You got me, Tone.

And that is about it for today.

Y'all have a great evening and please keep praying for rain for us!

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