Drew’s e was short, but it instantly put a smile on my face—Drew, who after an exhausting five year search,, had just purchased a 1971 VW van—in mint condition! I was so happy for him, and I must admit a little bit jealous, because I love those old vans—they had the spirit of the 60’s and early 70’s—when my life—was so much fun and filled with love! The best of times for me.
When Tony came inside, after his chores, I told him Drew’s good news. Tony immediately picked up the phone, and called Drew to tell him how excited we were for him, and how jealous we were! When Tony told Drew that we were headed to Kerrville, Drew invited us to come over to see his new van. Tony told him that we would. I couldn’t wait to see it!
First, Tony and I ate lunch at LaFours, our favorite seafood restaurant. Our meal turned out to be a lot of fun. Tony and I had been talking about how happy we were that Drew had finally found his VW van, while we were enjoying our delicious gumbo soup. “Tony, I wish I had a time machine, because I have just decided, that I am going to start living my life as I did back in the 60’s!” Gumbo came out of Tony’s nose, and he was laughing so hard—he was shaking! Fortunately, no one saw it but me.
“There’s something on your mustache,” I said, as I pointed to where a little piece of shrimp rested on his mustache. Tony immediately dabbed at his mustache. “It’s gone now. Tony, those were the best years of my life. I am going to start dressing like I did back then, too. We’re talking jeans, flannel shirts, hiking boots, tie-dyed t-shirts, sweat shirts, and overalls and leather moccasins, too. I am getting rid of all the rest of my stuff I have, and live like I did back then—simple. Like a hippie!”
“You can’t Nance,” Tony argued, as the waiter served our main course. “Are you really going to sell your digital cameras, computer, Bose and Bose iDock, the Vita-Mix machine, and your iPods? They weren’t even invented back in the sixties.”
“No, Tony,” I answered. “Don’t be silly. I am going to live in the 60’s as much as I can, and will only listen to 60’s and early 70’s music, and when I have to live in the present—I will. I am not giving up my computer, iPods, cameras, Bose or the Vita-Mix machine, but I am going to get rid of everything else.”
“Groovy,” Tony teased. “I can dig that. That’s really far out, man!” Then we started laughing!
“Tony, you could grow your hair long?” I suggested. Tony’s mouth was full of catfish, and he shook with laughter, while shaking his head no way. “I don’t know what color Drew’s van is, but if it is yellow, I think he should name it, The Yellow Submarine or the Magic Bus.” Tony continued to shake. When he was done shaking, we went to Wal Mart.
When Tony and I were done shopping at Wal Mart, Tony called me on his cell phone, and we met up in the electronics department. Tony’s basket had two items in it—a much needed larger camera bag, and a small one man, portable pop-up camouflaged deerblind—so he could photograph the deer and the wild turkeys. My shopping cart was full. It had blue jean bib overalls, three long sleeved t-shirts, three buttoned down, flannel plaid shirts, and a pair of fake moccasins made in China—lined with fake fur—I hope.
When we drove up to Renee and Drew’s house, my jaw dropped when I saw Drew’s ‘71 VW van! “There it is! Oh my gosh!”I squealed. “I love it! I have to get one! I’ve got goosebumps!”

When Renee and Drew came out side to greet us, all I could do was grin! “Drew, can I have your van, I really want it?” Drew and Renee laughed.
“No, but we will help you find one,” Drew answered. “Isn’t she pretty!”
“I love it!” I said. “Please help me find one! We have got to have one!”
Drew and Renee showed us the engine and told us about how cool it was, as we climbed inside and sat inside it! Wonderful memories of my past flooded my head—as I went back in time to the late 60’s and early 70’s! “Drew I love your van so much—it has a good spirit, and is filled with good vibes from the 60’s and ‘70’s!”
“I know,” Drew agreed. “I was thinking of naming it Flashback! Do you have any names for it?”
“The Magic Bus!” I said. “But Flashback is a great name, too.”
Drew agreed, then he proudly started up his old, beautiful VW van, and then he took Tony and me for a spin around the neighborhood! When we returned to their house, I did not want to get out of the van, but I did, because Tony and I had an appointment to meet with Kinky and Debora and Little Jewford about the upcoming event on the 25th.
On our way back to the rescue ranch, the only thing that Tony and I talked about was Drew’s beautiful 1971 VW van and how cool it was. Tony told me that he isn’t going to grow his hair long, but he will help me find a VW van, because he wants one, too! And, then I discovered Tony once owned an orange Karma Ghia when he was young!
During our meeting with Kinky, Little Jewford and Deborah, I told them about Drew’s new used 1971 VW van, and getting to take a ride in it! Then I listened, as they shared their great stories about their fun adventures in the old VW vans back then! Their stories were so funny and filled with happiness, and I couldn’t help but notice, how their spirits lifted, as they told their great stories of the past! I am convinced that everyone needs an old VW van, and I am determined to get one! I’m thinking of selling the Space Ship, so I can get one. Old VW vans make me smile, and we all need to be smiling right now! That is what life is all about—happiness—keeping it simple.
P.S. Cindy Lou sent me a precious picture of Mater, her Boston Terrier and Bridgett Bardot, the great dog that she adopted from us several months back—riding in their new car! I love it! Thanks Cindy Lou! Peace and Love to all—we need it now!

Check out www.thesamba.com to find the VW bus of your dreams. There are probably 400 or so of that model for sale. It was made from '67 to '79. I have the '79 pop-top camper model.
Hello Pete O.! Thank you so much for sending the link! I will check it out now! I can't wait! VW buses Rule!
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