This morning, around ten-thirty, I received an urgent and exciting e-mail from Trisha Sanders, over at Copies Plus—that absolutely changed my mood, and made my day! FedEx had just delivered the proofs of our 2009 Calendar, and she could not wait for us to see them!
I immediately shot her back an e, and then I called her on the phone. “Nancy! The calendar looks absolutely fantastic!” Trish said, all excited. “It is so beautiful!”
Her news, and the excitement in Trisha’s voice—made me get all excited! I told her that Tony and I would get to Copies Plus as soon as possible! “Tony!” I half hollered, because he was just down the hallway. “We need to get to Kerrville—fast! Trish has the final proofs, and she told me that our calendar looks awesome! I can’t wait to see it! Okay?”
Tony, who is, as y’all well know, not nearly as an excitable person as me, said, “Okay, Nance.”
Twenty-four miles, and thirty-six minutes later—I jumped out of Buttermilk, and skipped into Copies Plus! Tony chose to walk. “Trish, I cannot wait to see it!”
“I can’t wait for y’all to see it either!” She replied, as she quickly opened up the FedEx box. “Here it is!”
I just about fainted, when I looked at the cover of the calendar—it was five star beautiful! And, I am not kidding you! As Trish slowly turned the pages of time—I felt goosebumps, as time marched on and on! Trisha was so proud of the calendar. Tony was proud of the calendar, and I was absolutely thrilled with our rescue ranch’s 2009 calendar! Y’all are going to love it!
Our 2009 calendar is going to be available within the next two weeks! The price of our calendar is $20.00 plus shipping and handling. I will give out more details on how to purchase it, within the next week. It is a beautiful 12” by 12” glossy calendar, printed on the finest paper, and it is filled with over seventy pictures! I can’t wait for Kinky to see it! Here is the front and the back of it!

It looks wonderful. Can't wait to buy my own.
I can guarantee I will buy one.
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