At 7:45, I did Harley’s radio show, and it was a lot of fun—I even told him about Drew’s 1971 VW Bus, and my hot pursuit of getting one, too. After his show, I checked my e-mail to find an e from John Kemmerly! His note was short, but exciting!
He sent me a link to check out a beautiful blue VW Bus in a city in Texas (Sorry, I can’t tell you where it is, because I might buy it!). I am waiting for the owner to e-mail me back, about the Magic Bus, and I can’t wait for them to get back to me! I hope that it hasn’t sold! I want it, I want it, I want it!
Then I did my three mile walk, inside the trailer, using my weights, too. It was a good workout, but I was glad when it was finally over. After the work out, I took a bath, and realized, while sitting in the tub, that I looked exactly like Buddha—with a braided ponytail, which made me laugh out loud—which then caused my dogs to come running into the bathroom to check on me! Then Kinky called!
“Nance, I’m at the Vegas airport. You’ll never guess who I spent the evening with last night!”
“You’re right, Kinky. We’re talking Vegas,” I said. “Who?”
“Donnie and Marie Osmond!” Kinky said. “They are really great people! I really like them and their show was really great, too!” Kinky and I then talked a little business and then we disconnected.
Today for lunch, I cooked up Sandy Wolfmueller’s Black Bean Soup recipe, and it was absolutely delicious, and Tony loved it! Tony, who has never been real fond of black beans—changed his mind today. He is now a big fan of Cousin Nancy’s Black Bean Soup! Sorry Sandy, you know how it goes—it is called give and take, and I took! Thank you for the recipe—it’s mine!
Following lunch, Tony and I took off for Kerrville to run some errands—Wal Mart, HEB and the post office. As we were leaving Kerrville, we stopped at the signal light, just past the Guadalupe River bridge on Highway 16. We heard a car honk next to us, looked over to our left, and discovered it was our good friend, Dennis L. and his dog, Boomer—from Los Angeles! “Hi Tony and Nancy!” Dennis hollered. “Boomer and I are on our way to the rescue ranch, to visit with you guys!”
Just as the light changed from red to green, we hollered back, “Great, follow us!” Then we took off. Tony and I talked the whole way back, about how weird it was for Dennis and Boomer to pull up right next to us at a signal light in Kerrville, Texas—when they live in California! “Tony,” I said. “Do you realize that if we had spent one minute longer in the HEB grocery store—we would have not hooked up with Dennis and Boomer, and we would have probably missed their visit? That is amazing to me.”
When we arrived at the rescue ranch—the party began with hugs and handshakes! Then we said hello to Boomer, the dog that we had rescued, that Dennis had adopted years ago from us. (Boomer’s story is in my book.) We had much to talk and laugh about in Outer Space. Dennis caught us up on Boomer’s latest escapades, and we laughed hard, when he told us about, a moose cow chasing off Boomer to protect her newborn calf in South Dakota. “Boomer just wanted to be friends with the calf. He loves all animals. When I finally returned to my car from the bike trail—Boomer was hiding underneath it—waiting for me!”
Dennis’ visit was way too short, but full of fun and laughter, and we hated to see him and Boomer leave. They were on their way back to California, because Dennis could not wait to see the other love of his life—Marilyn!
Well, I have some sad news to report—the countdown has officially begun for my fifty-seventh birthday—tomorrow, and I still can’t believe that I am that old, and that many years have passed! We’re talking fifty-seven Halloweens, and I’m over eight years in dog years, for goodness sakes! My sister, Cindy, sent me the cutest birthday card today, with a picture of a startled looking Chihuahua dog , that reads: ‘Pepe just figured out your age in people years!’ And, bless my dear Canadian friend, Fay, who sent me this! I love it Fay, it is perfect and blue, too!

P.S. Dennis loved my Space Ship and was very impressed with it—Far Out!
ok Nancy, it's officially October 17th by my clock here in Ontario, Canada: 12.34am... so, Happy Birthday!
I'm only up late because: a) I have booked tomorrow off as a vacation day (wooohooo!); and, b) I was helping my daughter with her Grade 11 math for her midterms... gotta love those integers, polygons and the ever popular Pythagoras Theorem...yikes. My brain hurts, must go to bed.
But not before wishing you a Happy Birthday on October 17th!
Here's your Birthday horoscope from Holiday Mathis:
Today's capricious Gemini moon provides the proper stimulation to get the ball of recently directed Mercury rolling. Conversations take interesting twists and turns. Passing thoughts catch our fancy. A clever spin really gets us thinking. The order of this day may not follow any predictable pattern, but it certainly is interesting!....
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (OCTOBER 17). You have many responsibilities though there is an overriding sense of being carefree this year. You're laughing and having a good time with this life you've built. In December you meet people who bring out the best in you. You adjust your scene to accommodate family, and good financial fortune follows in May. Cancer and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 50, 21, 54, 2 and 17.
Have a Great Day Cuz!!!
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Nancy.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Wanted to send the special traditional birthday song to you and it sounds so much better when I type it since I can't carry a tune! It was truly a special day when you were born -- you, birthday girl, have such a wonderful talent for writing from the heart with candor, kindness and humor, and you've brought many smiles to a lot of people you haven't even met. I do hope to meet you one day though...and in the meantime will continue to read about your daily life there at Utopia. God bless you for saving the precious animals. Wishes for the bestest birthday ever, Nancy!
Big Hugs, Judy (p.s. re your blog today, Kinky forgot to call me when he was out here lol)
Love ya Nance Happy B-Day
thru thick n thin, you make us grin! many great days ahead, for you and yours. happppy birthday! cb and bs
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