As we ate breakfast, the subject turned to the dog under my cabin. “I’ve just come up with a name for the dog!” I said. “Her name is—Tina Turner! You know—Ike and Tina.” Everyone loved the dog’s new name and thought it was perfect! I love naming our dogs.
After breakfast, Rick announced that he was going to go outside and try to catch Tina. He grabbed a couple of leftover flour tortillas, and then scooped up the remaining scrambled eggs, and went outside. Rick placed the bowl with the scrambled eggs, about three feet from the cabin, and then he scooted over about three feet and began tossing—small pieces of the tortillas near the bowl. Nothing happened.

Fortuntely, a couple of minutes later, Tina crawled out, and started eating the tortilla bits. Leisa and I were watching from the door and window—holding our breaths and whispering things like, “Come on Tina. Come on girl, you can do it.” Then Tina went back under the building. She couldn’t do it.
Rick then tossed a few more tortilla pieces and Tina came back out, and ate them. Then with her guard up, she cautiously went over to the bowl and quickly devoured ‘Cousin Nancy’s Scrambled Eggs!’ Everyone loves my eggs! Then Rick held out—at arms length, the last half of the tortilla. No one moved, inside or outside of the trailer. I had immediate goosebumps, when Tina walked up to Rick and took the tortilla from his hand! Rick patted her on the head and then she quickly went back to her old hiding place. She was out of sight, but not out of mind. Rick returned to the trailer.
A few minutes later, Tony returned from his ‘Coffee Happy Hour’ in Medina, at the Old Timer. We quickly filled him in on Tina, and then we discussed what we should do next to capture her. Tony came up with a good plan, so after eating his breakfast, he scooped up some dry dog food, grabbed a can of dog food and—went outside.
He filled Tina’s dog dish with the dog food, and then he picked up her bowl and her water bucket, and headed down the fence line to the fenced yard, which is between Outer Space and his garden. He went to the far side of the garden fence, and placed her bowl and water there. Then he went to the opposite side and squatted down. Rick then went to our front gate, let himself out, and just stood there talking to us in Outer Space, hoping to close the gate behind her—if she went into the yard, to eat more food.
In less than a few minutes, Tina timidly walked the fence line, and then she entered that yard, went to the far corner, and began eating, with her back to Rick, as he quietly and quickly, slipped up from behind, and closed the gate! Tina didn’t notice, because she was too busy eating!
When Tina Turner had finished her meal, she turned around and checked out the yard. Tony stood up, and then he began slowly walking towards her, and she stood her ground, with her tail tucked between her back legs. She was shaking and so scared.
Tony then squatted down, about three feet from her, and began talking to her softly, as he held out his hand towards her. After his short conversation with her, still shaking, she walked up to Tony, and let him pet her on the head. Then she slowly began wagging her tail. Goosebumps time again! We all had them!
Tony then sat down beside her, and kept talking to her and petting her, as Rick entered the yard. She let Rick pet her, too. “Tina,” Tony said, wearing a smile. “Is going to be just fine. Aren’t you girl?”
Rick agreed with Tony, “She was just scared. She is going to be one great dog for someone. Hey Tony, you ought to think about taking her. Blue’s gone now, and she would be perfect for you. Border Collies are smart dogs—like Heelers. And, she is definitely a full blooded Border.” Tony didn’t say a word.
I couldn’t wait to meet Tina Turner in person, so I took off for the barn to get her some toys and treats before introducing myself to her. When I returned with tennis balls and treats—I entered the yard. Tina had already relaxed with the guys. She was sitting on command for Tony, and her tail was now where it was supposed to be and doing what it was supposed to do—high up and wagging nonstop!
Tina came to me, and she let me pet her. I gave her the treats and the balls. I was so happy for her! “Have y’all checked to see if she is a Tina or an Eisenhower? ”
“She’s a Tina—a Democrat,” Rick joked. “Not a Republican. Come here Tina. Good girl.” We all played with Tina, and she seemed to enjoy it! By the time we left her yard, Tony had her—fetching tennis balls and running around the yard in delight! We were all on cloud nine, even though it was full moon time, again.

As soon as we were back inside the trailer, I phoned Kinky to tell him the good news about Tina Turner. After that it was time for me to fix our lunch. While I was preparing lunch, Rick grabbed a leash, hanging from the bookcase, and went outside to Tina’s yard, to take her for a short walk.
Rick told us, when he returned after their walk, that Tina walked great on a leash, and he thought Tina must have been someone’s ranch dog, because when they reached Trigger, the tailgate was down, and when he said, “Load up.” Tina knew exactly what to do—she immediately jumped up, into the back of the truck, with her tail wagging wildly. Another clue to help solve Tina’s story.

For lunch, I served Renee’s new recipe, that she gave to me, which is now known as ‘Cousin Nancy’s Corn Casserole,’ along with my delicious ‘trailer-made’ asparagus soup. Everyone loved it! In fact, Leisa asked for both recipes!
Around two o’clock Saturday afternoon, a car showed up at the rescue ranch. Tony and I went to find out who was here. When we reached the car, we were shocked at what we saw...
To be continued, again...
1 comment:
Ahite. You're killing me. Officially.
What a gorgeous girl, and I love her name! Can't wait for the next installment!
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