This cranking deal on the ceiling, which is used to tune in television, was hanging down about three inches from the ceiling. I knew that I was not going to be using it, so we decided to get rid of it, by grinding off the metal cranking mechanism, so Aaron went to get our grinder.
When he returned to the Space Ship he said, “What? What’s wrong?” I guess he could tell something was wrong, by the expression on my face.
“Aaron, I am scared about starting a fire,” I said. “We are going to have sparks flying off everywhere. I can just see it now. Tony comes home, and I tell him that we burned up the Space Ship, but the ceiling really looks good—just a little smoke damage. I have already put the cushion and cleared out the ‘great room,’ so nothing will catch on fire—knock-on-wood. But I am still not so sure about this.”
“You’re right about a possible fire, but I think the two of us could put it out real fast. Don’t worry—I’ll be careful.” Aaron then picked up the grinder.
“Wait, Aaron!” I said. “Let me go get a bucket of water—just in case.” When I returned with a bucket full of water, Aaron proceeded to start grinding away. Sparks were flying all over, and I was scared to death, as I watched. Within less than a minute, the cranking handle—fell to the floor!
When I went to pick it up—it was really, really hot! I asked Aaron to check inside the hole to see how hot it was—next to the insulation. Aaron checked and confirmed that it was all really hot, up there, but he assured me that there would be no fire.
We then proceeded to cover the ‘great room’s’ ceiling, one panel, after another. Then it was time for Aaron to leave. As soon as he left, I felt the new tin ceiling and it was pretty warm—all over. I then made a plan.
If the Space Ship were to start smoking, I would first call the fire department, then turn out all of my dogs and Lucky, the cat, because our 200 gallon propane tank, behind our trailer, is only about thirty feet from the Space Ship, and it would surely explode.
I kept trying to calm down, and quit thinking about a fire, but I couldn’t. So I decided to water down all of the grass in the backyard and around the Space Ship. After that, I went inside our trailer, checked the phone for messages, and then went outside to sit in the Space Ship—just in case it caught on fire.
Ninety degrees and three hours later, I decided to leave the Space Ship, to check messages and get a glass of water. I stayed inside the trailer for about ten minutes, and then I returned to the Space Ship.
About forty minutes later, Tony showed up! As he admired Aaron’s and my tin work, I told him about the sparks and being scared. He checked the ceiling and told me it was just warm from the sun heating it. I was so relieved.
“Before coming home, I picked up Miss Daisy from Hoegemeyers. Her owner, met me there, and she told me that she was sick about having to return her to us. She was a really nice lady. I just put Daisy into Hannah Montana’s pen,” Tony said. “They seem to be getting along really well.” Tony and I then walked down to Miss Daisy’s pen and she looked adorable and seemed pretty happy. She and Hannah were playing chase. Here’s Miss Daisy:

Kinky called around six-thirty tonight, and he was already in Johnson City—headed our way! I can’t wait to see him!
P.S. I am so grateful that the Space Ship didn't catch on fire!
What a sweet wee dog! I'm sure Daisy won't be long in finding a home where she won't have time to dig!
Daisy is ADORABLE! And I'm like you about the possibility of fire... Thank goodness the Spaceship stayed safe! It's looking amazing with all you've done. I had an incident a few years back involving a fire scare. I was staying at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco on a HIGH upper floor. Looked out the window one morning and a multitude of fire trucks were lining up at the hotel with their sirens blazing. It was really scary; I was alone in the room and didn't know what to do. Luckily it turned out to be a minor kitchen fire. A pic of the trucks lined up on the street below is at Sending my best to you and yours. Judy
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