I did some paperwork, while Tony, Ben and Aaron worked on the Space Ship’s new tin ceiling. Once I put some trim boards up—it will then be finished. Then the last thing I will have to do is finish out the restroom! I love my Space Ship!
Around 4:00, Ben and I went over to the Lodge, to visit with Kinky. After Kinky had finished eating an early dinner, we decided to go outside to the Friedman Family Bone Orchard, but before we did that, Ben asked Kinky to sign a guitar and some books. Then we exited the Lodge.

When I saw Kinky’s new hibiscus, I grabbed my camera and shot it. Then I shot Kinky’s Buddha dog, that our friend, Nancy L. gave to him. It looked like it was hiding, in the four o’clocks.

Then we sat down and discussed some future plans, as the dogs played in the yard. At one point, Ben’s dog Valerie—jumped up on the bench with Ben and she sat down on his lap and showered him with kisses. Then Ben spun her around, and I shot them, just as his dog Penny had jumped up on the bench to give Ben a kiss or two. During this whole time, Gooie was running around us, serenading us with his stuffed toy, that plays rap music! It was hilarious!

Then it was time for me to get back over to the rescue ranch, and for Ben to pack up, and head back to Austin.
P.S. I am excited about tomorrow! Tony and I will be going to Photography 414, in Fredericksburg! They are having an opening reception, for the famous photographer—Imogen Cunningham! It is called, 'Timeless' You can check it out at: photography414.com
I went to the photography link you provided, and the work by Imogen Cunningham is amazing. Very impressive photography. Of all the artists listed on the site, I liked hers the best. Bet you'll have a great time at the "Timeless" reception tomorrow... Thanks for sharing the link address!
That is so remarkable! The dog on Ben's lap, the b&w beauty, reminds me exactly of the "Yoga Dog" card I sent not too long ago. I loved that picture & was sad I didnt' get 2 of those cards. I must go back to the store & see if they still have it.
It's one of those dog pics you just look at and they make you grin from ear to ear ; ))
Ben's girls are beautiful.
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