Kinky paused, puffed on his cigar for a moment, to create more drama—“Ruth Buzzi! Kent called to tell me that he and Ruthie will be attending the event!”
“Oh my gosh!” I said. “I can’t wait to see Kent, again! And at last, Tony and I are going to finally be able to meet his better half—Ruthie! I hope that they will have the time, to come over to the rescue ranch, so I can show them the Space Ship and go into Outer Space with us!”
Last night, during happy hour with Tone, I taped “Survivor.” When happy hour was over, I came inside and watched the entire two hours of the show. And I must say—I loved it, and am now hooked on it! I am so glad that Jon and Sandy told me to watch it.
The only thing that depressed me about ‘Survivor,’ was at the first of the show. When I saw that really old male / contestant, I liked him, but felt really sorry for him, because he was way too old, and I knew that he would most likely be booted off the show early on. Good grief—he had to be in his late sixties! And then, when he introduced himself and said, “I’m fifty-six years old,” I went into total depression!
I’m fifty-six, and not for much longer! As soon as I heard his words, I jumped out of my chair, removed my wire rims, and then skipped down the hall, to go look into the mirror! For over twenty years or more, I have always removed my glasses, before looking into mirrors, because I truly think it takes twenty years off of my age. I love it!
When I looked into the mirror, I was somewhat relieved at what I saw. I didn’t look great or even good, but I didn’t look near as old as that man! I figure, he must have been ‘rode hard and put up wet’ one too many times.
Yesterday, while ‘staying put,’ for Kinky to show up at Wolfmueller’s, Jon asked me to help them, come up with a name for their patio, which I think is the prettiest outdoor patio in all of Kerr county! I think they should call it—’The Launch Pad’ or ‘The Space Capsule’ or ‘The Space Center,’ or ‘The Twilight Zone,’ or even ‘Outer Space,’ because everytime that Tony and I have been over there—we’ve had a blast out there!
Yesterday, my order of five cans of Pinhead Oatmeal arrived—a day early! I called Kinky to tell him the great news, and he was excited, because he had just run out of his this morning! Tony and I drove over to the Lodge to deliver a can to Kinky. He was grateful and said, “Thanks Nance. I thought you told me, that you ordered five can? Where are they?”
“I did Kinky—you get one can—Tony and I are hoarding the rest, and going to make you beg for another can!”

P.S. My good friend, Kathy H., up in Dripping Springs, just called and invited Tony and me to a party at her and Jerry’s ranch, for Saturday night! She told me that my brother Ron, his wife, Nita and my sister, Cindy and her husband, Ray, are coming to it! It is very tempting, but unfortunately, we can’t go. She also asked me, if I could help her find a home for a stray dog, that was either dumped or lost. She told me that he is approximately one year old, not neutered and she did get him his shots. Anyone interested in this dog, please call the rescue ranch and I’ll put you in touch with Kathy. This dog is beautiful! He needs a home!

"I have always removed my glasses, before looking into mirrors, because I truly think it takes twenty years off of my age. I love it!"
Wise woman, I bow down to you! You're brilliant, and funny.
Nancy, seriously, you crack me up big time, eh?!
I have never heard of Pinhead Oatmeal, that's brilliant! What a great way to start your day off tho: with a full stomach and a good laugh at the label!
I used to work for Ripley's Believe It Or Not!, they had their head office in Toronto, Canada before they moved down to St. Augustine, FLA (really!). I had a shrunken head in my desk for awhile, it was really quite lovely with it's long, lush lashes. They weren't actually that long and lush, it's just the head they were attached to was really, really small.
If I recall correctly, it was some sort of trouble getting it through Customs to the museum in the U.S.... something about a law against shipping human remains, or something like that LOL!!
Anyhow, there were many pictures from Ripley's archives which I was lucky enough to see, some of which were photos of "pinheads". The proper medical term is "microcephaly", and "pinheads" was a term which they used to call people that, as they grew, the tops of their heads didn't. The face would grow to a normal size, but any skull north of the eyebrows was basically non-existent and very tiny, hence the moniker.
If I were you all... I'd watch my oatmeal intake. Can't put a ten gallon hat on a fence post without a whole lot of nothing going on ; ))
Nancy you are a beautiful person inside and out. Just remember you are as young as you feel. I feel in my twenties when I go to work by lunch I feel my age. As I head to the clock at the end of my shift I feel at least sixty but when I clock out I feel much better because I know I'm going home to Bridgett and Mater.
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