Monday, October 22, 2007

Blowing, Blowing, Blowing, Keeping John From Going...

This morning a norther blew in, bringing two and a half inches of rain with it, which caused me to become depressed—not suicidal—just depressed. That norther made me blue, because I know that any day now, John Kemmerly, who has done miracles with our dogs, and who is like family to us, will be leaving—because he hates cold weather!

It’s not like John hasn’t warned us—he has—many times. He told us long ago, after he spent last winter with us, that he would continue working with us—until it got cold again. This morning, Tony and I talked about John moving on, while eating breakfast. And, it just made us sick at the thought of him leaving, until I came up with a brilliant idea—we’ll bribe him!

So, first thing this morning, when John arrived, I drove down to greet him at the barn. “Good morning, John!” I said, with my fingers crossed. “I hope you’re not going to tell me that you’re going to quit today?”

John smiled, even though he was shivering, and said, “Yeah, Nancy, I think I am.”

I guess the expression on my face said it all, because John quickly said, “Not really, not today, I’m okay. It’s not that cold.”

Talk about relieved. “That’s great, John,” I said. “That sweatshirt of yours looks a little bit worn. Come on let’s go down, and get you a few new rescue ranch sweatshirts, from my private collection, which I designed and paid for personally.”

I gave John three or four brand new rescue ranch sweatshirts, and he seemed delighted to have them!

Great, it’s all ready working! I shall call that first bribe, ‘Don’t Sweat It!’”

After John and Tony were finished with their chores, John left early, so he could take Kinky’s dog, Mr. Magoo, to the vet, because he wasn’t feeling good, and Tony headed for Medina to get some feed.

Five minutes after they had left, Carol showed up! “Hi, Nancy, I just passed John on the road. I baked you some cookies for your birthday and here’s a batch for John.”

“Thank you, Carol,” I said. “John told me that your cookies are the best that he has ever eaten! I can’t wait to try them!”

“Thank you. This morning when that norther blew in,” Carol said. “I thought about John quitting. That is a shame. He’s family now. What’s Tony going to do without him?”

“ I don’t know,” I answered. “Tony, Kinky, Ben and I are sick about it, too. And, the dogs will surely miss him, as well. But, I have a secret plan to tell you about. We have decided to bribe John, into staying and little does he know that he has all ready taken the first bribe, which I named, ‘Don’t Sweat It!’ And, tomorrow when I give him your cookies—that will be bribe number two!”

After pulling her wind-blown-hair out of her mouth, Carol said, “I love it! What are we going to call my bribe?”

I stood there for a minute and thought. “How about, ‘Cookie Dough?’”

Carol chuckled and said, “I Love It!”

“‘Operation ‘Cookie Dough’ will go down tomorrow morning, as soon as John arrives. By the way, have you gotten a chance to watch, ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ or ‘Blades of Glory,’ yet?”

“No,” Carol answered, “but I plan on watching Napoleon tonight. Well, I need to go walk some dogs. Please, let me know how ‘Operation Cookie Dough’ worked.”

“I will, and thank you for the cookies,” I said. “And, if you come up with some more bribery ideas —please let me know! Bye!”

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